Instructions were pretty easy to follow, though I wish the screws had their number label on the packaging instead of just the key in the instructions. Bed seems sturdy so far, which is expected given the number of supports you put together! My biggest complaint is that the box it is shipped in is NOT suitable for shipping. As you can see in the first picture it got knocked around and messed up part of the frame. The box was ripped and lopsided when received. Also, there was some discoloration on some parts or patchy paint. Bottom line: Good product for the price, but dont expect too much.
Fairly easy to assemble but one of the decorative balls doesn't stay on. I wish the trundle lifted up but both beds are sturdy and we use them regularly.
Bed is nice and easy to put together. Only problem is the finials. They do not screw down and stay in place. If you accidentally lean on them they shift around. I am going to look for a different option for the finials because I am sure they will be broken very quickly.
This bed was easy to assemble and the price was very affordable. It was a good alternative to bunk beds. My only complaint is the decorative balls on each post don't screw in properly and they look a little wonky. Other than that it's a great bed!
This is a great bed frame! Worth every penny. It was easy to assemble and it is awesome to have an extra bed for when my daughter has friends over. I highly recommend buying this.
sturdy frame
excellent bed. easy assembly. exactly what i needed.
Good for price
Instructions were pretty easy to follow, though I wish the screws had their number label on the packaging instead of just the key in the instructions. Bed seems sturdy so far, which is expected given the number of supports you put together! My biggest complaint is that the box it is shipped in is NOT suitable for shipping. As you can see in the first picture it got knocked around and messed up part of the frame. The box was ripped and lopsided when received. Also, there was some discoloration on some parts or patchy paint. Bottom line: Good product for the price, but dont expect too much.
Great bed!!!
Fairly easy to assemble but one of the decorative balls doesn't stay on. I wish the trundle lifted up but both beds are sturdy and we use them regularly.
Good bed but wobbly finials
Bed is nice and easy to put together. Only problem is the finials. They do not screw down and stay in place. If you accidentally lean on them they shift around. I am going to look for a different option for the finials because I am sure they will be broken very quickly.
Nicely made, easy to assemble
This bed was easy to assemble and the price was very affordable. It was a good alternative to bunk beds. My only complaint is the decorative balls on each post don't screw in properly and they look a little wonky. Other than that it's a great bed!
Overall, very nice.
I wish they had more color options. Most of the bes was assembled easily, a few pieces were difficult. Overall very nice.
Nice bed with trundle
Really nice trundle bed for little girls room, so pretty.
Cute. Functional.
This is a great bed frame! Worth every penny. It was easy to assemble and it is awesome to have an extra bed for when my daughter has friends over. I highly recommend buying this.
My daughter loves this mattress and great on trundle bed
overall okay product
my daughter loved it. the tops of the rails are hard to put on and they never screw on tight enough
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