Instructions were pretty easy to follow, though I wish the screws had their number label on the packaging instead of just the key in the instructions. Bed seems sturdy so far, which is expected given the number of supports you put together! My biggest complaint is that the box it is shipped in is NOT suitable for shipping. As you can see in the first picture it got knocked around and messed up part of the frame. The box was ripped and lopsided when received. Also, there was some discoloration on some parts or patchy paint. Bottom line: Good product for the price, but dont expect too much.
Good for price
Instructions were pretty easy to follow, though I wish the screws had their number label on the packaging instead of just the key in the instructions. Bed seems sturdy so far, which is expected given the number of supports you put together! My biggest complaint is that the box it is shipped in is NOT suitable for shipping. As you can see in the first picture it got knocked around and messed up part of the frame. The box was ripped and lopsided when received. Also, there was some discoloration on some parts or patchy paint. Bottom line: Good product for the price, but dont expect too much.