I ordered a king size and I am very happy with my purchase. The box it came in was obviously huge and heavy, and a little bit damaged but the bed frame was in perfect condition. My husband was able to take it upstairs and put it together completely by himself. He says it wasnt too awful, just took a little time. Its sturdy and quiet as a mouse. I am able to fit smaller storage boxes underneath it, so I do love that. I definitely reccomend this bed.
Pretty easy to assemble and the directions were straight forward.
I needed my daughter to hold the opposite end a couple times otherwise I was able to set it up by myself. Really I could have figured it out without her but who wants to go through all that. Lol.
The only real issue I had was fitting the ball end caps on the top of the four posts. I could not get it screwed in tight and straight. Ive tried multiple times and it still goes off center anytime it gets bumped or grabbed or whatever. Looks the inside of the end cap has a curved shape. Trying to get that straight on a 90 degree edge is not working for me. Im going to keep trying, see if something works. Video uploaded.
Wow! Great product! Very impressed! Easy to assemble... very sturdy... well designed... only one suggestion for manufacture... send small bottle of touch up paint or caps for the 4 screw showing on the front Posts... otherwise it really is a fantastic product!!! Thank you!
The instructions do not come with the bed.
My husband is very handy so he got the bed together from the picture on the side of the box, but written instructions would have been a big help.
Excellent value for the price
I ordered a king size and I am very happy with my purchase. The box it came in was obviously huge and heavy, and a little bit damaged but the bed frame was in perfect condition. My husband was able to take it upstairs and put it together completely by himself. He says it wasnt too awful, just took a little time. Its sturdy and quiet as a mouse. I am able to fit smaller storage boxes underneath it, so I do love that. I definitely reccomend this bed.
So far so good... but whats up with the 4 post end caps?!?
Pretty easy to assemble and the directions were straight forward. I needed my daughter to hold the opposite end a couple times otherwise I was able to set it up by myself. Really I could have figured it out without her but who wants to go through all that. Lol. The only real issue I had was fitting the ball end caps on the top of the four posts. I could not get it screwed in tight and straight. Ive tried multiple times and it still goes off center anytime it gets bumped or grabbed or whatever. Looks the inside of the end cap has a curved shape. Trying to get that straight on a 90 degree edge is not working for me. Im going to keep trying, see if something works. Video uploaded.
I really like it
I love this bed it was very fast and easy to put together but it is SOOOO Creaky and loud
Well designed, very sturdy, easy assembly!!!
Wow! Great product! Very impressed! Easy to assemble... very sturdy... well designed... only one suggestion for manufacture... send small bottle of touch up paint or caps for the 4 screw showing on the front Posts... otherwise it really is a fantastic product!!! Thank you!
The balls on the bed dont stay put but other then that i love it
attractive piece of furniture
this bed looks great once assembled. It took a while to assemble but once done - we realized that we had made an excellent purchase
Sturdy and easy but very squeaky.
Put it together quickly enough and very large. Really squeaky but sturdy and strong.
Not as strong as it appears
It's steel, feels strong, but just tightening the parts by hand bends them. Definitely not for rough use. But on the other hand looks good.
The round post knobs on the top are a mess.
Dislike the striped round post on top corners. I would not recommend this bed frame to anyone.
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