This bed is a pain in the butt to put together it is fairly sturdy the storage capacity is good but once you put it together youre not gonna want to move it
I was a little afraid of the assembly after reading some other comments but it was easy, very tedious but easy. It took a couple of hours for me to assembly by myself, the hardest part is the pain in fingers using the tools that came with it! It turned out very sturdy and looks great. The grandkids love it and have arguments over who gets to sleep where, so that's a success in my book.
Was fairly easy to assemble. One person could do it, but much easier with two. My husband and I assembled in about an hour and 1/2. Love the quality! Everything is powder coated and fits! Supposed to hold up to 400. I'm 162 and it feels really solid, top bed and bottom trundle. I would highly recommend! Bought for that extra company room, especially the kids. Well be perfect.
Did not come with instructions for assembly, but we (2 of us) finished the assembly process in an hour or so. Otherwise, this piece is as advertised.
Metal work is not perfect. Yes there are welding issues leading to gaps in the welds, but its sturdy enough. Not yet tested over time, but initial thoughts are it seems sturdy enough for a guest room. Not squeaky when I lay on it.
The only thing that truly bothered me were the knobs that finish the posts. Those knobs screw on a bit wonky (not level), so if attention to detail is what you need...this may not be the piece for you.
Great guest bed for beach house
Very pleased with this bed!
Well built. Easy to assemble.
Good quality, clear instructions
Very happy with purchase - quality materials, good instructions, excellent apppeearnce
Doesnt look new
Had a bunch of dings on it and the paint was chipping. Not to happy for brand new bed
Very difficult to put together tedious and maddening
This bed is a pain in the butt to put together it is fairly sturdy the storage capacity is good but once you put it together youre not gonna want to move it
Just what I needed and wanted!
I was a little afraid of the assembly after reading some other comments but it was easy, very tedious but easy. It took a couple of hours for me to assembly by myself, the hardest part is the pain in fingers using the tools that came with it! It turned out very sturdy and looks great. The grandkids love it and have arguments over who gets to sleep where, so that's a success in my book.
Very frustrating to put together. The balls on the 4 points will not stay straight . Its pretty once assembled.
No dont buy
So I would not buy this because my daughter has this bed for 6 months and it broke two times in the back
Amazing day bed!
Was fairly easy to assemble. One person could do it, but much easier with two. My husband and I assembled in about an hour and 1/2. Love the quality! Everything is powder coated and fits! Supposed to hold up to 400. I'm 162 and it feels really solid, top bed and bottom trundle. I would highly recommend! Bought for that extra company room, especially the kids. Well be perfect.
Like a Picasso, step back to admire it, but wonky up close
Did not come with instructions for assembly, but we (2 of us) finished the assembly process in an hour or so. Otherwise, this piece is as advertised. Metal work is not perfect. Yes there are welding issues leading to gaps in the welds, but its sturdy enough. Not yet tested over time, but initial thoughts are it seems sturdy enough for a guest room. Not squeaky when I lay on it. The only thing that truly bothered me were the knobs that finish the posts. Those knobs screw on a bit wonky (not level), so if attention to detail is what you need...this may not be the piece for you.
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