Thought it was bigger. I was really excited about this bed and it was beautiful after it was put together. But now after 3 weeks wood is cracking and i expect it will only get worse.
I wanted to try a loft bed for my toddlers but didnt want a really high one. This was a great transition from a toddler bed to a big kid bed. Only room about an hour to assemble with two people. All the pieces were in the box and I didnt have a issue with the wood splitting. Weve only been using the bed for three months and they are still holding up but I feel like they are little shaker them when they were put together. I think its great quality for the price. Love it.
The bed was not too difficult to assemble / I put it together by myself and it took me about two hours. It looks nice. I bought this bed for my 4 1/2 year old and he loves it. I do think the bed feels slightly wobbly but it seems sturdy. Great value. Very sturdy.
Bought this for my 5 year old, she loves it. Wasnt too hard to put together by myself, would of been easier with help but still doable. Seems very sturdy, would buy again. Attractive and strong.
I was surprised to see that the whole thing its super sturdy. It was very easy to put together. My son loves it. Perfect hight and length for my almost 7 year old. The only thing I didnt like is the warning on the box. And the smell of the formaldehyde gas. You have let it air out outside before you bring it into your home. It says it can cause birth defects or cancer. And that is VERY WORRYING TO A MOTHER OF A SON WITH LEUKEMIA. That was my only issue with the product. If it werent for that Id give it 5 stars. I loved it.
This bed is SO cute!! BUT, it did not come with anything to detail how to put it together so it was a guessing game. It doesnt have a heavy weight limit so any parent maybe needing to comfort your child, it only holds up to 160 pounds it says. Amazing!!!
easy assemble and 4 year old loves Built strong.
Good bed for the price
Got this for my son he loves it Arrived early!
Great bed for 2 weeks but now starting to crack.
Thought it was bigger. I was really excited about this bed and it was beautiful after it was put together. But now after 3 weeks wood is cracking and i expect it will only get worse.
Great purchase
Good bed for the price Worth it! She loves it.
Easy to assemble
I wanted to try a loft bed for my toddlers but didnt want a really high one. This was a great transition from a toddler bed to a big kid bed. Only room about an hour to assemble with two people. All the pieces were in the box and I didnt have a issue with the wood splitting. Weve only been using the bed for three months and they are still holding up but I feel like they are little shaker them when they were put together. I think its great quality for the price. Love it.
Good value
The bed was not too difficult to assemble / I put it together by myself and it took me about two hours. It looks nice. I bought this bed for my 4 1/2 year old and he loves it. I do think the bed feels slightly wobbly but it seems sturdy. Great value. Very sturdy.
My daughter loves it She has her hung bag and books underneath where she can have her quiet time Sturdy . she loves it. Good.
5 year old approves!
Bought this for my 5 year old, she loves it. Wasnt too hard to put together by myself, would of been easier with help but still doable. Seems very sturdy, would buy again. Attractive and strong.
Read your warning labels!
I was surprised to see that the whole thing its super sturdy. It was very easy to put together. My son loves it. Perfect hight and length for my almost 7 year old. The only thing I didnt like is the warning on the box. And the smell of the formaldehyde gas. You have let it air out outside before you bring it into your home. It says it can cause birth defects or cancer. And that is VERY WORRYING TO A MOTHER OF A SON WITH LEUKEMIA. That was my only issue with the product. If it werent for that Id give it 5 stars. I loved it.
This is a cute bed, no instructions and 160 weight limit
This bed is SO cute!! BUT, it did not come with anything to detail how to put it together so it was a guessing game. It doesnt have a heavy weight limit so any parent maybe needing to comfort your child, it only holds up to 160 pounds it says. Amazing!!!
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