I was surprised to see that the whole thing its super sturdy. It was very easy to put together. My son loves it. Perfect hight and length for my almost 7 year old. The only thing I didnt like is the warning on the box. And the smell of the formaldehyde gas. You have let it air out outside before you bring it into your home. It says it can cause birth defects or cancer. And that is VERY WORRYING TO A MOTHER OF A SON WITH LEUKEMIA. That was my only issue with the product. If it werent for that Id give it 5 stars. I loved it.
Read your warning labels!
I was surprised to see that the whole thing its super sturdy. It was very easy to put together. My son loves it. Perfect hight and length for my almost 7 year old. The only thing I didnt like is the warning on the box. And the smell of the formaldehyde gas. You have let it air out outside before you bring it into your home. It says it can cause birth defects or cancer. And that is VERY WORRYING TO A MOTHER OF A SON WITH LEUKEMIA. That was my only issue with the product. If it werent for that Id give it 5 stars. I loved it.