Relatively easy to assemble, shipped quickly. Fairly sturdy, we put extra pieces of wood on the frame where the bed rests to make it more sturdy.
I wish the weight limit was posted in the description or at least made more clear. The pamphlet states 165 pounds while the warning sticker on the frame says 200. We purchased this frame to make the small guest room more spacious by being able to store things beneath it, a 27 inch tall dresser fits under snugly with about a half inch gap. Looks solid, easy to assemble.
This is a great purchase for the inexpensive price. It is a bit low for my six year old. He has bumped his head a couple of times but its cool and he likes to hang out under neath. Good quality.
All in all I love it. My daughter is happy, her toys can go under the bed, and it looks cute. I will say some of the holes were hard to line up. And one of the bars to secure the rail were pre/drilled on the wrong side. But all in all I like it. More sturdy then I was thinking. Value for money.
My son and I love the bed! It took two adults to put it together within a couple hour period. The bed is sturdy and fits his toys underneath perfectly. I gave it 4 stars bc there was a small dent in one of the wood panels, other than that, great low loft bed. Good quality.
Perfect size for my 6 year old! Loved that I made the fort under the bed. Just nailed curtains on the inside. Easy to put together. Sturdy (my 140lb child sat on top bunk no issues. Good.
Slightly shorter, overall good
Relatively easy to assemble, shipped quickly. Fairly sturdy, we put extra pieces of wood on the frame where the bed rests to make it more sturdy. I wish the weight limit was posted in the description or at least made more clear. The pamphlet states 165 pounds while the warning sticker on the frame says 200. We purchased this frame to make the small guest room more spacious by being able to store things beneath it, a 27 inch tall dresser fits under snugly with about a half inch gap. Looks solid, easy to assemble.
Perfect for kiddos who are too little or clumsy for a regular height bunk bed or loft.
This is a great purchase for the inexpensive price. It is a bit low for my six year old. He has bumped his head a couple of times but its cool and he likes to hang out under neath. Good quality.
Nice bed
Fast service. I love the bed and my son loves his bed but when it came to us some of the pieces were broke and my husband had to make it work.
Cute, functional, daughter happy
All in all I love it. My daughter is happy, her toys can go under the bed, and it looks cute. I will say some of the holes were hard to line up. And one of the bars to secure the rail were pre/drilled on the wrong side. But all in all I like it. More sturdy then I was thinking. Value for money.
I really loved it its exactly like the picture! My daughter loves it (: Great!
Great bed
My son and I love the bed! It took two adults to put it together within a couple hour period. The bed is sturdy and fits his toys underneath perfectly. I gave it 4 stars bc there was a small dent in one of the wood panels, other than that, great low loft bed. Good quality.
Love it!
Perfect size for my 6 year old! Loved that I made the fort under the bed. Just nailed curtains on the inside. Easy to put together. Sturdy (my 140lb child sat on top bunk no issues. Good.
Great bunk bed for the kids Kids love it easy to put together.
Easy to assemble, kids love them!
Took less than 2 hours to assemble 2 of these. My boys (3 5 yrs) love them. Will definitely be getting a third one for my daughter. Perfect.
Great bed
Very easy to assemble. Great for storing toys underneath. My daughter loves it. Easy assembly.
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