When I ordered these beds, two for both of my children, I was nervous that the assembly would be tedious. After I received the beds and unboxed the pieces I was delighted to find that the assembly instructions was very detailed. Each piece, including the screws were labeled, leaving no confusion of what goes where. I am very pleased with this product, and my kids love their new beds. I love this!
I got this for my 7 year old daughter. She absolutely loves it! The parts were all labeled, which made it very easy to put it together. My husband and I did it in a little over an hour. Some of the wood (which I think it is pine wood that most of it is made out of) has some wood knots in it, it looks like it is dented but when you look its a wood knot. There is a warning label on the bed and in the instructions to NOT let your kid jump off / on or hang from the bed, so I told my daughter not to do those its been great! Absolutely beautiful.
Super easy to build , me and my daughter actually put it up our selfs. Size is perfect for a small room and a twin bed fits perfectly on the bottom . Giving it enough room for a child to sleep in and sit just right . My daughter is 7 and this bed actually wasnt small at all. Many of the reviews suggested that it would be best for a smaller child but yet instruction state that children under 6 years old not to sleep on the top bunk . But other then that great great great for the money I paid . Absolutely what I needed.
This bed is beautiful and my daughter loves to make blanket forts with it! We can both fit on the twin together and it can hold both of us without being worried. It said it takes 2 to assemble but I did it on MY OWN (with a lot of help from the bedroom wall for support). All in all a great buy and totally worth every dollar! As advertised.
Good quality
My son loves this bed. This loft style bed is great. Enjoyed it.
Easy Assembly
When I ordered these beds, two for both of my children, I was nervous that the assembly would be tedious. After I received the beds and unboxed the pieces I was delighted to find that the assembly instructions was very detailed. Each piece, including the screws were labeled, leaving no confusion of what goes where. I am very pleased with this product, and my kids love their new beds. I love this!
Tighten everything and let your child sleep in it for a weekthen tighten again. No complaints.
You need to tighten everything more than you think. Overallvery good! Good product!
Love it!
I got this for my 7 year old daughter. She absolutely loves it! The parts were all labeled, which made it very easy to put it together. My husband and I did it in a little over an hour. Some of the wood (which I think it is pine wood that most of it is made out of) has some wood knots in it, it looks like it is dented but when you look its a wood knot. There is a warning label on the bed and in the instructions to NOT let your kid jump off / on or hang from the bed, so I told my daughter not to do those its been great! Absolutely beautiful.
Twin loft bunk bed
Really good quality and worth the money my children loves it. Awesome!
Best loft!
It took 2 of us 2 hours to put together. Everything was labeled and easy to assemble. Love this loft! Absolutely perfect.
Cute and perfect for small rooms
Super easy to build , me and my daughter actually put it up our selfs. Size is perfect for a small room and a twin bed fits perfectly on the bottom . Giving it enough room for a child to sleep in and sit just right . My daughter is 7 and this bed actually wasnt small at all. Many of the reviews suggested that it would be best for a smaller child but yet instruction state that children under 6 years old not to sleep on the top bunk . But other then that great great great for the money I paid . Absolutely what I needed.
Love it Awesome product.
A single mom put this together ALONE
This bed is beautiful and my daughter loves to make blanket forts with it! We can both fit on the twin together and it can hold both of us without being worried. It said it takes 2 to assemble but I did it on MY OWN (with a lot of help from the bedroom wall for support). All in all a great buy and totally worth every dollar! As advertised.
Very sturdy
Cute and sturdy. Wasnt the easiest to assemble alone but was manageable Easy build,
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