I got this for my 7 year old daughter. She absolutely loves it! The parts were all labeled, which made it very easy to put it together. My husband and I did it in a little over an hour. Some of the wood (which I think it is pine wood that most of it is made out of) has some wood knots in it, it looks like it is dented but when you look its a wood knot. There is a warning label on the bed and in the instructions to NOT let your kid jump off / on or hang from the bed, so I told my daughter not to do those its been great! Absolutely beautiful.
Love it!
I got this for my 7 year old daughter. She absolutely loves it! The parts were all labeled, which made it very easy to put it together. My husband and I did it in a little over an hour. Some of the wood (which I think it is pine wood that most of it is made out of) has some wood knots in it, it looks like it is dented but when you look its a wood knot. There is a warning label on the bed and in the instructions to NOT let your kid jump off / on or hang from the bed, so I told my daughter not to do those its been great! Absolutely beautiful.