I was hesitant to buy any nursing/rocking chairs of due to the amount of reviews where people say they arrived broken or broke while they were sitting with their infant. This box arrived in a large and awkward package. If you purchase make sure that you assemble the chair before throwing out the box because it will be difficult to package for a return.
My package came with everything intact and all pieces. The assembly instructions were pretty straight forward but the design is flawed. Assembly requires you to screw a couple pieces together with a hex key in a space that has a very tight turn radius. If it wasnt for that part, assembly would have been quick and painless.
Once setup, the chair seems very sturdy and looks great with the rest of our furniture. Its become by favorite seat in the house when Im holding my newborn. Its pricier than other chairs available but in terms of quality and aesthetic it was worth it to me.
Im not saying this is a terrible rocking chair but its definitely not the best it was very easy to assemble and for the most part pretty comfortable. What I had a problem with was how worried I was about it falling apart. Because the bottom is just holding on by cloth. I would sometimes use it to breastfeed during the night with my baby but my husbands friend was sitting in it playing video games one night and he fell through! He wasnt being rough or anything and hes kind of a small guy ever since then we just use it to lay out blankets on if we arent using them. I dont recommend getting this if youre thinking about putting it in a nursery or for feeding your child, just a little too unsafe for my liking pay a little bit more to put yourself at ease with safety.
Fairly easy to assemble but the wood inserts were almost too big for the holes/ had to really force them in. Back cushion is comfortable but the bottom isnt the most plush. Totally good enough for rocker though. Looks great when assembled and a great value for the cost.
Great little rocker!! We bought this last minute (literally ordered in on while on our way to the hospital to have our baby) and it was on the doorstep when we got , husband assembled quickly and its been comfortable and looks good in our bedroom
Purchased this as a nursery rocking chair and I couldnt be happier. Im cheap so this was a little pricier purchase for me but Im so so happy I did! I feel this rocking chair will be with us for a long time!!
(Little more creamy in person, this photo was taken near a really sunny window)
Worth the
I was hesitant to buy any nursing/rocking chairs of due to the amount of reviews where people say they arrived broken or broke while they were sitting with their infant. This box arrived in a large and awkward package. If you purchase make sure that you assemble the chair before throwing out the box because it will be difficult to package for a return. My package came with everything intact and all pieces. The assembly instructions were pretty straight forward but the design is flawed. Assembly requires you to screw a couple pieces together with a hex key in a space that has a very tight turn radius. If it wasnt for that part, assembly would have been quick and painless. Once setup, the chair seems very sturdy and looks great with the rest of our furniture. Its become by favorite seat in the house when Im holding my newborn. Its pricier than other chairs available but in terms of quality and aesthetic it was worth it to me.
Wouldnt use for children
Im not saying this is a terrible rocking chair but its definitely not the best it was very easy to assemble and for the most part pretty comfortable. What I had a problem with was how worried I was about it falling apart. Because the bottom is just holding on by cloth. I would sometimes use it to breastfeed during the night with my baby but my husbands friend was sitting in it playing video games one night and he fell through! He wasnt being rough or anything and hes kind of a small guy ever since then we just use it to lay out blankets on if we arent using them. I dont recommend getting this if youre thinking about putting it in a nursery or for feeding your child, just a little too unsafe for my liking pay a little bit more to put yourself at ease with safety.
comfortable, cute, and modern rocking chair.
Comfortable modern rocking chair. Fits perfect in my newborn sons room.
Rocks over little fingers
Good Chair for Price
Fairly easy to assemble but the wood inserts were almost too big for the holes/ had to really force them in. Back cushion is comfortable but the bottom isnt the most plush. Totally good enough for rocker though. Looks great when assembled and a great value for the cost.
Supportive and comfortable
Comfortable and easy to build
Perfect rocker for bedroom
Great little rocker!! We bought this last minute (literally ordered in on while on our way to the hospital to have our baby) and it was on the doorstep when we got , husband assembled quickly and its been comfortable and looks good in our bedroom
Great chair
Modern, comfy and so worth the purchase!
Purchased this as a nursery rocking chair and I couldnt be happier. Im cheap so this was a little pricier purchase for me but Im so so happy I did! I feel this rocking chair will be with us for a long time!! (Little more creamy in person, this photo was taken near a really sunny window)
Pleasantly surprised
Really happy with this purchase. Was not too hard to assemble, and good quality. Got this for my newborn who already loves it.
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