Im not saying this is a terrible rocking chair but its definitely not the best it was very easy to assemble and for the most part pretty comfortable. What I had a problem with was how worried I was about it falling apart. Because the bottom is just holding on by cloth. I would sometimes use it to breastfeed during the night with my baby but my husbands friend was sitting in it playing video games one night and he fell through! He wasnt being rough or anything and hes kind of a small guy ever since then we just use it to lay out blankets on if we arent using them. I dont recommend getting this if youre thinking about putting it in a nursery or for feeding your child, just a little too unsafe for my liking pay a little bit more to put yourself at ease with safety.
Wouldnt use for children
Im not saying this is a terrible rocking chair but its definitely not the best it was very easy to assemble and for the most part pretty comfortable. What I had a problem with was how worried I was about it falling apart. Because the bottom is just holding on by cloth. I would sometimes use it to breastfeed during the night with my baby but my husbands friend was sitting in it playing video games one night and he fell through! He wasnt being rough or anything and hes kind of a small guy ever since then we just use it to lay out blankets on if we arent using them. I dont recommend getting this if youre thinking about putting it in a nursery or for feeding your child, just a little too unsafe for my liking pay a little bit more to put yourself at ease with safety.