im 58 200 lbs its decently sturdy but jeez its so short and tiny it took me so long to get used to practically laying on the floor lol but its a very cute bed i do like it Takes up less space.
This bed was bought to replace a day bed in my spare room. It was very easy to assemble. The instructions were clear and all parts were labeled. All tools were included however I found it was easier to assemble using my full/sized wrench instead of the one that came with the bed. I am not the most handy of people but was able to put this bed together in about 1/2 an hour.
I think this bed is quite cute. Its a little short (almost miniature looking) so maybe it would look out of place in a teenagers room. It would be great for a childs room. Dont be fooled by the size. Its short but very sturdy. I took a nap on it today and it held up well. I am pleased with my purchase. very stable.
From reading some of the reviews, I was a little worried, but all parts came as expected and this bed is really nice. It feels sturdy. I will keep the Allen wrench it comes with handy in case some screws ever need tightened, but so far so good. Its been set up and slept in for a few weeks now. It was easy to put together, did take me probably 2 hours or a little less as I was by myself. Just put on some tunes and was good to go! Overall very happy. Value for money.
im 58 200 lbs its decently sturdy but jeez its so short and tiny it took me so long to get used to practically laying on the floor lol but its a very cute bed i do like it Takes up less space.
Great Guest Bed
This bed was bought to replace a day bed in my spare room. It was very easy to assemble. The instructions were clear and all parts were labeled. All tools were included however I found it was easier to assemble using my full/sized wrench instead of the one that came with the bed. I am not the most handy of people but was able to put this bed together in about 1/2 an hour. I think this bed is quite cute. Its a little short (almost miniature looking) so maybe it would look out of place in a teenagers room. It would be great for a childs room. Dont be fooled by the size. Its short but very sturdy. I took a nap on it today and it held up well. I am pleased with my purchase. very stable.
I like this
Easy to assemble. This bed is comfortable. Easy to clean. Good price. Very well made.
Easy to assemble and sturdy Overall good.
So Im happy This item is good! Satisfied.
Works well Well made and packaged.
fits nicely
its all i needed great bed! for the money wasnt expecting such a good product. Good quality.
Missing a CRUCIAL part for assembly
We were sent two of the same part, and missing the part that goes in the middle of the bed. We were sent two 9 (the footbard).
Nice bed frame
From reading some of the reviews, I was a little worried, but all parts came as expected and this bed is really nice. It feels sturdy. I will keep the Allen wrench it comes with handy in case some screws ever need tightened, but so far so good. Its been set up and slept in for a few weeks now. It was easy to put together, did take me probably 2 hours or a little less as I was by myself. Just put on some tunes and was good to go! Overall very happy. Value for money.
Nice buy, sturdy Great!
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