This bed was bought to replace a day bed in my spare room. It was very easy to assemble. The instructions were clear and all parts were labeled. All tools were included however I found it was easier to assemble using my full/sized wrench instead of the one that came with the bed. I am not the most handy of people but was able to put this bed together in about 1/2 an hour.
I think this bed is quite cute. Its a little short (almost miniature looking) so maybe it would look out of place in a teenagers room. It would be great for a childs room. Dont be fooled by the size. Its short but very sturdy. I took a nap on it today and it held up well. I am pleased with my purchase. very stable.
Great Guest Bed
This bed was bought to replace a day bed in my spare room. It was very easy to assemble. The instructions were clear and all parts were labeled. All tools were included however I found it was easier to assemble using my full/sized wrench instead of the one that came with the bed. I am not the most handy of people but was able to put this bed together in about 1/2 an hour. I think this bed is quite cute. Its a little short (almost miniature looking) so maybe it would look out of place in a teenagers room. It would be great for a childs room. Dont be fooled by the size. Its short but very sturdy. I took a nap on it today and it held up well. I am pleased with my purchase. very stable.