From reading some of the reviews, I was a little worried, but all parts came as expected and this bed is really nice. It feels sturdy. I will keep the Allen wrench it comes with handy in case some screws ever need tightened, but so far so good. Its been set up and slept in for a few weeks now. It was easy to put together, did take me probably 2 hours or a little less as I was by myself. Just put on some tunes and was good to go! Overall very happy. Value for money.
Nice bed frame
From reading some of the reviews, I was a little worried, but all parts came as expected and this bed is really nice. It feels sturdy. I will keep the Allen wrench it comes with handy in case some screws ever need tightened, but so far so good. Its been set up and slept in for a few weeks now. It was easy to put together, did take me probably 2 hours or a little less as I was by myself. Just put on some tunes and was good to go! Overall very happy. Value for money.