Simple enough instructions to follow and final product does look nice. Not a fan of the brown top and do wish it would come in all black. Other than that, I have received compliments by guests on it.
Comes fully assembled. I actually received the wrong color, but after some discussion with the seller will be keeping it for a discount. Its a well made bench. I thought the wicker was baskets but they are also drawers. I actually prefer that. The cushion cover can come off to be washed as well.
I bought this for my entry way. Yes, it is small, but that is what I wanted. It was not hard to put together at all! I freaked out a bit due to other reviews, but it was straightforward once I got started. No problems.
This is so comfortable bench, I’ve been use for a few weeks, and it’s great shoes storage and chair, very easy for my family to change their shoes, and it was only about a hour to installed.
Easy to assemble
Simple enough instructions to follow and final product does look nice. Not a fan of the brown top and do wish it would come in all black. Other than that, I have received compliments by guests on it.
Cute and functional
Comes fully assembled. I actually received the wrong color, but after some discussion with the seller will be keeping it for a discount. Its a well made bench. I thought the wicker was baskets but they are also drawers. I actually prefer that. The cushion cover can come off to be washed as well.
perfect for my needs!
I bought this for my entry way. Yes, it is small, but that is what I wanted. It was not hard to put together at all! I freaked out a bit due to other reviews, but it was straightforward once I got started. No problems.
So comfortable shoes storage bench
This is so comfortable bench, I’ve been use for a few weeks, and it’s great shoes storage and chair, very easy for my family to change their shoes, and it was only about a hour to installed.
Looks great and works well
Cute and functional. Very happy w my purchase.
Easy to assemble and looks great.
Very easy to assemble and well designed. Looks great in my entryway. Live the little side drawer. Happy with my purchase.
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