received with good condition... thanks seller... good job My little girl loves it. Great idea for some extra space. She has a ton of stuffed animals and was able to set up a cute play area for them and herself underneath.
Quality product delivered with fast delivery. Recommended seller. Keep up the good work. Fantastic purchase for a child or tween. Very sturdy and easy to assemble (took me 2 hours by myself....ideally should have 2 people work on it). The mini den underneath is every childs dream. I put up custom curtains with a spring rod to make the den underneath seam more dreamy. Very sturdy. Good quality finish. GREAT for the price!
This is a great piece. Bought it for the basement family room and it fits perfectly down there. The bed has a lot of parts and the instructions arent wonderful (easy to get things turned around). It is on par with furniture. But, my son loves it and it seems like a nice bed so everyone is happy.
Easy to put together, comfy and just as easy to disassemble when moving Very nice and study bed. My daughter loves it! Didnt give it five stars due to the back decoration board is too long and would bow if attached. We didnt put it on because it was against the wall. Not difficult to put together but have a drill and good Allen wrench available. Very heavy box! We carried it up the stairs in separate pieces.
Very easy to assemble, my son and I love it! Fits perfect in our little room! I saw one review that said this bed squeaked with only one child on it and one that said it was great even with 400lbs, so I feel like I need to be the tie-breaker and say that it is definitely stable for at least two adults. I had a great time assembling it, instructions were quite easy to follow. The allen wrench included was a bit too big but I fortunately had one that worked (5/32 non-metric). You also definitely will want an electric drill with a small phillips head because the slats that hold up the mattress get screwed directly into wood without pre-drilled holes. Otherwise I had a great time assembling. Its freed up a lot of space in my room, I put my pet rabbits cage underneath. Doesnt squeak at all.
Its alright.
Highly recommend! Took a while to put together, definitely need 2 people. So what study, would not use as an adult.
received with good condition... thanks seller... good job My little girl loves it. Great idea for some extra space. She has a ton of stuffed animals and was able to set up a cute play area for them and herself underneath.
GREAT for the price!
Quality product delivered with fast delivery. Recommended seller. Keep up the good work. Fantastic purchase for a child or tween. Very sturdy and easy to assemble (took me 2 hours by myself....ideally should have 2 people work on it). The mini den underneath is every childs dream. I put up custom curtains with a spring rod to make the den underneath seam more dreamy. Very sturdy. Good quality finish. GREAT for the price!
This is a great piece. Bought it for the basement family room and it fits perfectly down there. The bed has a lot of parts and the instructions arent wonderful (easy to get things turned around). It is on par with furniture. But, my son loves it and it seems like a nice bed so everyone is happy.
Nice bed
Easy to put together, comfy and just as easy to disassemble when moving Very nice and study bed. My daughter loves it! Didnt give it five stars due to the back decoration board is too long and would bow if attached. We didnt put it on because it was against the wall. Not difficult to put together but have a drill and good Allen wrench available. Very heavy box! We carried it up the stairs in separate pieces.
fantastic bed for a small dorm room
Very easy to assemble, my son and I love it! Fits perfect in our little room! I saw one review that said this bed squeaked with only one child on it and one that said it was great even with 400lbs, so I feel like I need to be the tie-breaker and say that it is definitely stable for at least two adults. I had a great time assembling it, instructions were quite easy to follow. The allen wrench included was a bit too big but I fortunately had one that worked (5/32 non-metric). You also definitely will want an electric drill with a small phillips head because the slats that hold up the mattress get screwed directly into wood without pre-drilled holes. Otherwise I had a great time assembling. Its freed up a lot of space in my room, I put my pet rabbits cage underneath. Doesnt squeak at all.
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