Nice product true to description This was the perfect height for my child. Was able to put book shelves below amd create a reading nook/ lounge area underneath. I like how sturdy it is when put together. Would recommend.
It looks better than expected. I was a bit worried after reading some of the reviews where people had quality issues or complained of difficult assembly. It does initially appear to be a large task when you lay all the parts out, but it goes together relatively easily, ensuring the four corner posts are oriented properly is about the most difficult part. I was able to assemble this by myself but it was a but difficult to get the side rails on without help, two people for that part will be necessary for the average person. I bought this for a child but tested it first, I weigh 240 pounds and felt comfortable and didnt have any concerns when I laid on it to test the sturdiness.
So easy to put together for someone as mechanically challenged as I am. Was very surprised with this product! Honestly wasnt sure what to expect but it well exceeded what I had in mind! Very well built product, wry easy to assemble and finished product was amazing!! I would truly recommend this product to anyone!!
JUst as described and pictured This bed is SOOOO SOOO sturdy. EXACTLY what my husband and I wanted for our 3 year old daughter. She was ready to get rid of her toddler bed and needed more room to sleep so she could sleep with all her stuffies and needed more room for playing. This bed is perfect. Came in a box all together. Everything in it to build the bed. Took about 3 hours. But 10000% worth the time. The instructions my husband said were a little vague. But he seemed to do just fine putting it together. This bed is worth every penny. Our daughter LOVVVVED IT!! She is soooo sooo happy with her big girl bed!! She couldnt wait to go to bed and I can not wait to play in her room with her.
Great bed
For the money it is awesome! Very sturdy! Happy with purchase.
perfect wish we had purchased this sooner
Exactly what I paid for. Its great. a great buy for our 6 year old granddaughter
Great little loft bed
Nice product true to description This was the perfect height for my child. Was able to put book shelves below amd create a reading nook/ lounge area underneath. I like how sturdy it is when put together. Would recommend.
Good quality.
Amazing exactly what is described Very sturdy. Good quality. Perfect for creating more space in a small room.
Seems to be good quality after initial assembly
It looks better than expected. I was a bit worried after reading some of the reviews where people had quality issues or complained of difficult assembly. It does initially appear to be a large task when you lay all the parts out, but it goes together relatively easily, ensuring the four corner posts are oriented properly is about the most difficult part. I was able to assemble this by myself but it was a but difficult to get the side rails on without help, two people for that part will be necessary for the average person. I bought this for a child but tested it first, I weigh 240 pounds and felt comfortable and didnt have any concerns when I laid on it to test the sturdiness.
Son loves it!
Easy to put together Very easy to assemble. No knicks or scratches, everything was well packaged. Very happy with it.
This unit is built very well.
Its worth every penny. Smart buy. My grandson loves his new bed.
We absolutely love this!!!! I love it, its cool! My grandkids love it too!
Exceeded expectations!!
So easy to put together for someone as mechanically challenged as I am. Was very surprised with this product! Honestly wasnt sure what to expect but it well exceeded what I had in mind! Very well built product, wry easy to assemble and finished product was amazing!! I would truly recommend this product to anyone!!
JUst as described and pictured This bed is SOOOO SOOO sturdy. EXACTLY what my husband and I wanted for our 3 year old daughter. She was ready to get rid of her toddler bed and needed more room to sleep so she could sleep with all her stuffies and needed more room for playing. This bed is perfect. Came in a box all together. Everything in it to build the bed. Took about 3 hours. But 10000% worth the time. The instructions my husband said were a little vague. But he seemed to do just fine putting it together. This bed is worth every penny. Our daughter LOVVVVED IT!! She is soooo sooo happy with her big girl bed!! She couldnt wait to go to bed and I can not wait to play in her room with her.
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