Very sturdy. Climbing the stairs!! Omg it hurts to climb those stairs for me my husband said the same thing. We purchased grips to see if that helped nope! My 8 year old daughter has no complaints. She said the stiars dont bother her one bit. I guess I am getting old. Easy assemble but the package was very heavy. Sturdy x10! Your child could stay in this bed a good 3/4 years!
Love it. We had to create padding and add it to the steps of the ladder. The climbing up and down was very painful on the feet. Other than that, the bed is fine.
Great value. Very sturdy. This bed was easy enough to have my son as my helper to put it together has been sturdy enough to withstand him as well. It also helped organize his room reduced arguments about not having anywhere to do his homework to put things away .
Bought this for Christmas!! Still love it. Took two of us for most of it. It wasnt bad. My daughter still loves it many months later. Its holding up well and secure.
I loved it. Great bed, pretty sturdy and easy to put together. There are a lot of parts so it might seem intimidating at first but you literally only need 1 allen wrench and 1 wrench (both are included) to assemble it. It helps to have an extra person to hold things up while you put the bolts in too. Its very sturdy. There were a couple of squeaky spots that are easily fixed with some WD/40 and I recommend putting some pipe insulation on the stairs. As others have said, they hurt your feet without it. You can get that at home depot or lowes for about 3.
Very cute. My 12 year old loves the bed. It was easy to assemble and looks really nice. The ladder is painful, but we will be adding padding. And we anchored it to the wall, so now it is sturdy. She loved the shelves and the desk was a decent size for future homework.
Amazing!!! The bed was great except for the ladder. I had to buy pool noodles and cut them up to place over the round parts you walk on. It would hurt my sons feet so bad to walk up it. I also could not stand on it with out pain. The bars are round and should be flat. Also there is no where to get into the bed once you on the ladder you have to put your body over the railing. That is probably safe while sleeping, but not while climbing over the high rail. Otherwise I would have given it a 5 star rating. All the pieces were there and though it is time consuming to put together, it looks really good and is sturdy.
The only issue I have is
Very sturdy. Climbing the stairs!! Omg it hurts to climb those stairs for me my husband said the same thing. We purchased grips to see if that helped nope! My 8 year old daughter has no complaints. She said the stiars dont bother her one bit. I guess I am getting old. Easy assemble but the package was very heavy. Sturdy x10! Your child could stay in this bed a good 3/4 years!
missing 3 m pieces
Cool!! Perfect except that it had missing parts.
Worth it! She loves it. Great product!
Ladder very hard on the feet.
Love it. We had to create padding and add it to the steps of the ladder. The climbing up and down was very painful on the feet. Other than that, the bed is fine.
Can Handle a Teenager
Great value. Very sturdy. This bed was easy enough to have my son as my helper to put it together has been sturdy enough to withstand him as well. It also helped organize his room reduced arguments about not having anywhere to do his homework to put things away .
Love it!!
Bought this for Christmas!! Still love it. Took two of us for most of it. It wasnt bad. My daughter still loves it many months later. Its holding up well and secure.
Missing parts
It was perfect! The package of the complete bed is missing parts
Lots of parts but relatively easy to assemble
I loved it. Great bed, pretty sturdy and easy to put together. There are a lot of parts so it might seem intimidating at first but you literally only need 1 allen wrench and 1 wrench (both are included) to assemble it. It helps to have an extra person to hold things up while you put the bolts in too. Its very sturdy. There were a couple of squeaky spots that are easily fixed with some WD/40 and I recommend putting some pipe insulation on the stairs. As others have said, they hurt your feet without it. You can get that at home depot or lowes for about 3.
Happy with our purchase
Very cute. My 12 year old loves the bed. It was easy to assemble and looks really nice. The ladder is painful, but we will be adding padding. And we anchored it to the wall, so now it is sturdy. She loved the shelves and the desk was a decent size for future homework.
Great bed, but ladder hurts your feet
Amazing!!! The bed was great except for the ladder. I had to buy pool noodles and cut them up to place over the round parts you walk on. It would hurt my sons feet so bad to walk up it. I also could not stand on it with out pain. The bars are round and should be flat. Also there is no where to get into the bed once you on the ladder you have to put your body over the railing. That is probably safe while sleeping, but not while climbing over the high rail. Otherwise I would have given it a 5 star rating. All the pieces were there and though it is time consuming to put together, it looks really good and is sturdy.
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