Very sturdy. Climbing the stairs!! Omg it hurts to climb those stairs for me my husband said the same thing. We purchased grips to see if that helped nope! My 8 year old daughter has no complaints. She said the stiars dont bother her one bit. I guess I am getting old. Easy assemble but the package was very heavy. Sturdy x10! Your child could stay in this bed a good 3/4 years!
The only issue I have is
Very sturdy. Climbing the stairs!! Omg it hurts to climb those stairs for me my husband said the same thing. We purchased grips to see if that helped nope! My 8 year old daughter has no complaints. She said the stiars dont bother her one bit. I guess I am getting old. Easy assemble but the package was very heavy. Sturdy x10! Your child could stay in this bed a good 3/4 years!