This is solid wood made in Brazil, fantastic quality, easy to assemble, sturdy, super cute! Couldnt have picked a better bed for my toddlers room. The full size is perfect. This bed is especially great if you have a small room.
I was a bit worried after reading some of the reviews where people had quality issues or complained of difficult assembly. It does initially appear to be a large task when you lay all the parts out, but it goes together relatively easily, ensuring the four corner posts are oriented properly is about the most difficult part. I was able to assemble this by myself but it was a but difficult to get the side rails on without help, two people for that part will be necessary for the average person. I bought this for a child but tested it first, I weigh 240 pounds and felt comfortable and didn't have any concerns when I laid on it to test the sturdiness.
Cute, well built bed. It provides a good amount of under bed storage or a little nook space. The box is heavy, but the benefit is the sturdiness of the bed.
I purchased the full size one for my soon to be 10yrs old son to give his room more space and he loves it. Its a good height and the storage below is perfect for his two small dresser chest, book shelf, study desk (slides in and out). I didnt want to get rid of his box spring because it is still new so the bed is higher than without of course but like I said he loves it. I did purchase guardrails just in case, but honestly he doesnt need it because hes not a wild sleeper.
Bought for my 9 year old because she wanted a big bed but bedroom was already cramped! This worked perfect and she enjoys hanging out underneath with the benefits of a big bed!
This bed is adorable! It took my husband a few hours to put together and he didnt really run into any issues along the way. My son loves it and it seems very sturdy. Great price too. I love that we can store stuffed animals and toy baskets underneath
A great loft bed to fit full mattress. Sturdy, nice color, and fun! Took my husband a full day to build on his own. Got it for my son for his 6th birthday and be loves it. We havent quite decided what to do with the space underneath; not big enough for a desk, but good for fort building, a reading nook, etc. my husband or would I can go up there to read him a book or tuck him in, and it feels sturdy still. My son loves it! Would recommend!
Fantastic bed!
This is solid wood made in Brazil, fantastic quality, easy to assemble, sturdy, super cute! Couldnt have picked a better bed for my toddlers room. The full size is perfect. This bed is especially great if you have a small room.
Seems to be good quality after initial assembly
I was a bit worried after reading some of the reviews where people had quality issues or complained of difficult assembly. It does initially appear to be a large task when you lay all the parts out, but it goes together relatively easily, ensuring the four corner posts are oriented properly is about the most difficult part. I was able to assemble this by myself but it was a but difficult to get the side rails on without help, two people for that part will be necessary for the average person. I bought this for a child but tested it first, I weigh 240 pounds and felt comfortable and didn't have any concerns when I laid on it to test the sturdiness.
Not worth the money
I purchased in June and its falling apart already. So shaky and Im upset I spent the money and Im passed the return date now.
Good quality.
Very sturdy. Good quality. Perfect for creating more space in a small room.
Great Bed!
Very sturdy, amazing design. I recommend it to anyone.
Cute, well built bed. It provides a good amount of under bed storage or a little nook space. The box is heavy, but the benefit is the sturdiness of the bed.
Recommend for small rooms
I purchased the full size one for my soon to be 10yrs old son to give his room more space and he loves it. Its a good height and the storage below is perfect for his two small dresser chest, book shelf, study desk (slides in and out). I didnt want to get rid of his box spring because it is still new so the bed is higher than without of course but like I said he loves it. I did purchase guardrails just in case, but honestly he doesnt need it because hes not a wild sleeper.
Great bed
Bought for my 9 year old because she wanted a big bed but bedroom was already cramped! This worked perfect and she enjoys hanging out underneath with the benefits of a big bed!
Love it
This bed is adorable! It took my husband a few hours to put together and he didnt really run into any issues along the way. My son loves it and it seems very sturdy. Great price too. I love that we can store stuffed animals and toy baskets underneath
Nice loft bed
A great loft bed to fit full mattress. Sturdy, nice color, and fun! Took my husband a full day to build on his own. Got it for my son for his 6th birthday and be loves it. We havent quite decided what to do with the space underneath; not big enough for a desk, but good for fort building, a reading nook, etc. my husband or would I can go up there to read him a book or tuck him in, and it feels sturdy still. My son loves it! Would recommend!
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