I needed a small chair for an area that would not accommodate a large one.
It wasn't easy to put together; I got over that quickly.
It's not super comfortable. But it's sturdy, does it's job and looks great.
it looks good after assembly. But, it is uncomfortable as heck! I have had this sofa for a few months only. My husband was sitting on it last week and its handle came apart when he was getting up. it does look good. But, you won't be comfortable on it.
Final verdict: pass on this.
I really like the look of this chair and it compliments my sofa and living room decor well. The assembly time took longer because I was missing a couple of washers and some of the pre-drilled holes did not align very well. I struggled, yet it did come together after a couple hours. Probably shouldve taken less time, but I had no help. Nice chair otherwise.
I bought two of these and LOVE THEM. However... I sold my soul to the devil trying to assemble these chairs. The holes were not properly drilled/aligned and it took my a good 3 hours to build both with 2.5 hours just trying to get the bolts into the holes. I eventually had to use a hammer. So F for assembly but A for the chair itself.
I love the chair. I have 2 screws I found out didnt fit. When I was putting it together the one screw fell out and ripped the vinyl. Now I have a hole!
Good looking chair, does the job
I needed a small chair for an area that would not accommodate a large one. It wasn't easy to put together; I got over that quickly. It's not super comfortable. But it's sturdy, does it's job and looks great.
Brittle and uncomfortable
it looks good after assembly. But, it is uncomfortable as heck! I have had this sofa for a few months only. My husband was sitting on it last week and its handle came apart when he was getting up. it does look good. But, you won't be comfortable on it. Final verdict: pass on this.
Assemble the holes do not line up!
Good chair!
Well made
Great Sofa
First, super easy to move. Very light. Durable and sturdy
Nice chair!
I really like the look of this chair and it compliments my sofa and living room decor well. The assembly time took longer because I was missing a couple of washers and some of the pre-drilled holes did not align very well. I struggled, yet it did come together after a couple hours. Probably shouldve taken less time, but I had no help. Nice chair otherwise.
Very nice Mid-Century Modern furniture
It goes perfectly in the lobby of our office! We needed something that wasnt too living roomy lol. So these worked out perfectly!!
Great chair, horrendous assembly.
I bought two of these and LOVE THEM. However... I sold my soul to the devil trying to assemble these chairs. The holes were not properly drilled/aligned and it took my a good 3 hours to build both with 2.5 hours just trying to get the bolts into the holes. I eventually had to use a hammer. So F for assembly but A for the chair itself.
Suitable waiting room chair and sofa.
Nice chair and sofa for our waiting room. A little firm, but easy to get up from, and supportive. They are stylish and look very nice.
Screwed by a screw
I love the chair. I have 2 screws I found out didnt fit. When I was putting it together the one screw fell out and ripped the vinyl. Now I have a hole!
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