I really liked the size and style of the table. However, the bottom part of the drawer arrived damaged, and the damage was due to packing not shipping. The biggest problem came when we were putting it together. One of the holes that needed to align with the cam bolt and cam nut was not spaced accurately. It was very frustrating because the assembly was almost complete.
Bought this table to make a coffee bar. My husband said it was pretty easy to assemble. Its very sturdy! For the size and sturdiness of the table I think the value for the money is great!
Instructions on this are pretty bad and I had to tape the bottom pieces together because the screws stripped the wood and wouldnt stay in. It is a nice piece but definitely overpriced for the poor craftsmanship. Also as an FYIthe drawer is very small so youre not going to be able to store munch in it.
This would be a cute table if the parts fit together properly. I was sent two of one side, having to drill holes in one side in order for the pieces to fit. Had I not already put several pieces together and basically destroyed the packaging, I would have returned it. The side that had to be reworked also caused the drawer assembly to be redone. Being stubborn and determined to make it work, thats what I did. It looks okay in my sunroom, but I would not buy from this manufacturer again.
The reviews say its hard to assemble so I was really nervous esp cause it was so heavy! It took maybe an hour super easy !! I actually enjoyed putting it together. Its perfect for tv in small bedroom!
This one surprised me! Husband was able to assemble in about 35ish minutes. I thought wed have to mount it to the wall because its being used for a television in our guest room but its quite sturdy! Even with the drawer pulled out / no tipping! No damage in transit and looks more expensive than it was. Were pleased!
For its size and what it is made of, this table is what you would expect. Be careful not to over tighten any of the screws as they will easily strip out. We also used glue to reinforce the construction. It is attractive and nice for an entry way or hall, but do not plan on storing heavy items (books) on the middle shelf as it is only rated for 15 lbs. or so. It looks very nice assembled and does the trick for our needs.
Assembly Issue
I really liked the size and style of the table. However, the bottom part of the drawer arrived damaged, and the damage was due to packing not shipping. The biggest problem came when we were putting it together. One of the holes that needed to align with the cam bolt and cam nut was not spaced accurately. It was very frustrating because the assembly was almost complete.
Great table!
Bought this table to make a coffee bar. My husband said it was pretty easy to assemble. Its very sturdy! For the size and sturdiness of the table I think the value for the money is great!
Not too bad
Instructions on this are pretty bad and I had to tape the bottom pieces together because the screws stripped the wood and wouldnt stay in. It is a nice piece but definitely overpriced for the poor craftsmanship. Also as an FYIthe drawer is very small so youre not going to be able to store munch in it.
Great entryway table
Super cute! I love the brown on top because it gives a color to decorate with!
Great entry way table!
Easy to put together, did it by myself!! Sturdy entry way table!
Easy assemble
Very easy to put together and I love this table!
Not recommended.
This would be a cute table if the parts fit together properly. I was sent two of one side, having to drill holes in one side in order for the pieces to fit. Had I not already put several pieces together and basically destroyed the packaging, I would have returned it. The side that had to be reworked also caused the drawer assembly to be redone. Being stubborn and determined to make it work, thats what I did. It looks okay in my sunroom, but I would not buy from this manufacturer again.
The reviews say its hard to assemble so I was really nervous esp cause it was so heavy! It took maybe an hour super easy !! I actually enjoyed putting it together. Its perfect for tv in small bedroom!
Better than expected!
This one surprised me! Husband was able to assemble in about 35ish minutes. I thought wed have to mount it to the wall because its being used for a television in our guest room but its quite sturdy! Even with the drawer pulled out / no tipping! No damage in transit and looks more expensive than it was. Were pleased!
OK.not great
For its size and what it is made of, this table is what you would expect. Be careful not to over tighten any of the screws as they will easily strip out. We also used glue to reinforce the construction. It is attractive and nice for an entry way or hall, but do not plan on storing heavy items (books) on the middle shelf as it is only rated for 15 lbs. or so. It looks very nice assembled and does the trick for our needs.
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