It was really difficult to assemble. Instructions were not clear. Wood is chipped in some area. Worst of all, there is really strong odor from the furniture. Its almost unbearable.
Color is perfect,so easy to assemble, instructions were detailed put together by number on parts and on bags Ya cant go wrong buying it Really nice piece of furniture.
Great piece. Color is beautiful (yellow) Was missing two pieces, contacted the seller they immediately sent out the two replacement parts. Love the shelves so much going to buy a second one in a different color. Easy t to assemble very sturdy Shelf holds all of my books
Screws were not long enough for the bottom/first piece!
A few pieces were already split prior to put together. We reinforced it but still a cute table.
Table arrived but the top is chipped. Id prefer to get a new table top rather than sending the entire item back. The rest of it looks fine. I havent assembled it yet because I need to know what my options are.
Manufacturer said they cant ship just the top so I received a new table. The second top was damaged more than the first. There isnt enough padding to protect the corners of the table so they get chipped or crack down the edge of the table. That is a very BIG disappointment because if I keep it, my eye will always go to the broken places.
Its pretty heavy duty. Very sturdy thus far. Had it for almost a month now and we love it. It was super easy to build. Yes there is lots of parts and instructions are like ikea ones . But as long as you pay attention its super easy. We love it
Really strong odor
It was really difficult to assemble. Instructions were not clear. Wood is chipped in some area. Worst of all, there is really strong odor from the furniture. Its almost unbearable.
Very Very nice
Color is perfect,so easy to assemble, instructions were detailed put together by number on parts and on bags Ya cant go wrong buying it Really nice piece of furniture.
Love this shelf.
Great piece. Color is beautiful (yellow) Was missing two pieces, contacted the seller they immediately sent out the two replacement parts. Love the shelves so much going to buy a second one in a different color. Easy t to assemble very sturdy Shelf holds all of my books
Not high quality, but cute
Screws were not long enough for the bottom/first piece! A few pieces were already split prior to put together. We reinforced it but still a cute table.
Classy piece of furniture for a great price
Looks great. Love the cherry wood top.
Ordered twice, each table top has damage
Table arrived but the top is chipped. Id prefer to get a new table top rather than sending the entire item back. The rest of it looks fine. I havent assembled it yet because I need to know what my options are. UPDATE Manufacturer said they cant ship just the top so I received a new table. The second top was damaged more than the first. There isnt enough padding to protect the corners of the table so they get chipped or crack down the edge of the table. That is a very BIG disappointment because if I keep it, my eye will always go to the broken places.
Very pretty tables. Perfect for hallways or any place in your house
I love the colors. The drawers. I love everything in those tables
Its perfect
Perfect for small spaces. It is pretty sturdy and looks great.
great product for the purpose I neededfor my space
to display pictures on
Its pretty heavy duty. Very sturdy thus far. Had it for almost a month now and we love it. It was super easy to build. Yes there is lots of parts and instructions are like ikea ones . But as long as you pay attention its super easy. We love it
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