Way too small! I bought this based on reviews that it could fit two medium cars but theres no way my two tabbies could fit on this. Its also not very sturdy and the sleeping platform is hard as a rock with zero cushioning. Returning.
The platform and sitting area below is very small and hard. My cat weighs 15 lbs. and she doesn't fit in it. It's okay for sitting in and looking out the window but I don't think she will be sleeping in it. This is for a small cat or kitten. She did like the scratch posts.
it seems to be more cozy than her last one, with the little walls on the top level and the bottom level seems to cradle her. she took to it immediately and so often is snoring on her bottom bunk lol
This scratching post is adorable and very short. However, this morning my kitten somehow got her head stuck between the 3 poles. Shes 2 1/2 months old but on the smaller side. I was right next to her and was able to adjust her head just right to pull her up. But the poor thing was wheezing and shaking for 20 minutes after. Weve removed two of the poles but she has zero interest in it now. Its too bad because its so cute!
Too small and not soft!
Way too small! I bought this based on reviews that it could fit two medium cars but theres no way my two tabbies could fit on this. Its also not very sturdy and the sleeping platform is hard as a rock with zero cushioning. Returning.
Too small for my cat!
The platform and sitting area below is very small and hard. My cat weighs 15 lbs. and she doesn't fit in it. It's okay for sitting in and looking out the window but I don't think she will be sleeping in it. This is for a small cat or kitten. She did like the scratch posts.
Too Small.ripoff
took to it immediately !!
it seems to be more cozy than her last one, with the little walls on the top level and the bottom level seems to cradle her. she took to it immediately and so often is snoring on her bottom bunk lol
Top is big enough for large cats to lay in
Big enough for my larger cats!! They love this!!
Top perch cardboard n hard.
Alot of cardboard. Very hard. She loves scratching but not laying on it. Top perch flimsy
Top shelf unusable
Metal eye came out of top cat shelf so I am unable to screw it on safely foe the cats to use. Very disappointed.
Toy cut
Cat cut the toy first day
Trapped Kitten
This scratching post is adorable and very short. However, this morning my kitten somehow got her head stuck between the 3 poles. Shes 2 1/2 months old but on the smaller side. I was right next to her and was able to adjust her head just right to pull her up. But the poor thing was wheezing and shaking for 20 minutes after. Weve removed two of the poles but she has zero interest in it now. Its too bad because its so cute!
Tree house
It was nice just too small
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