Easy to assemble and sturdy. My cat is not that interested in sitting on it, think it's not quite high enough for her. She does scratch on the post though.
This perfect for a kitten or older cat. Mine is 15yrs old and it is easy for her to get up on. An expensive way to keep cat buys with the scratch posts. One of the cheaper ones but worth getting.
It was easy for me to assemble. I have three 17 year old cats. They all came to check it out. My big boy is the one that decided it was going to be his new bed. Didn't give the other two a chance to claim it. I am very satisfied with this cat tower and really glad I bought it.
Soft with sisal legs for scratching. They are sturdy. I don't have one bad thing to say about it. It's the right height for looking out the window. That thing on the bottom is kind of small. Nobody's used it so far, but it doesn't mean they won't. It's nice and well worth the money.
Easy to assemble and sturdy.
Easy to assemble and sturdy. My cat is not that interested in sitting on it, think it's not quite high enough for her. She does scratch on the post though.
Cats love it great product
Cats love it great product
This perfect for a kitten or older cat.
This perfect for a kitten or older cat. Mine is 15yrs old and it is easy for her to get up on. An expensive way to keep cat buys with the scratch posts. One of the cheaper ones but worth getting.
Cat loves it.
Cat loves it.
It was easy for me to assemble. I have three 17 year old cats. They all came to check it out. My big boy is the one that decided it was going to be his new bed. Didn't give the other two a chance to claim it. I am very satisfied with this cat tower and really glad I bought it.
Very easy to put together.
Its bigger than I expected but that's not a problem. Its very easy to assemble. I've had it for a few weeks and my cat likes it.
My cat absolutely loves it
My cat absolutely loves it
Sturdy and Affordable!
Perfect for my cats. Perfect height for my window. Very sturdy for my cats who are on the heavier side.
Sturdy and attractive
Easy to put together and a good size for small to average cats.
Very good
Soft with sisal legs for scratching. They are sturdy. I don't have one bad thing to say about it. It's the right height for looking out the window. That thing on the bottom is kind of small. Nobody's used it so far, but it doesn't mean they won't. It's nice and well worth the money.
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