Well my box was damaged when it arrived, but their was no damage to the love seat. My husband had it assemble in 10 minutes, he made it look super easy! Its very comfortable to sit on. We like it so much we are ordering gn he side chair to go with it.
This loveseat was the perfect fit for my living room. I had space under a window where I placed it. Looks well made. Added a couple of pillows and it flows with the rest of my decor. Cant beat the price.
Classy, sophisticated and elegant. Fits my living perfectly. Great couch to get cozy. Couches add that perfect touch for lounging. I bought 2. Great conversational pieces as well. Color is beige/silver grey tone but more beige.it is firm and comfortable. Strong. 2 people assembly=15mins. By yourself=30mins+. Great purchase!
This is a cool looking couch for a room that my kids play in that is a very small living room. The kids have ruined 2 couches over years and I want to purchase something that looked unique and could be easily replaced. Also something that was inexpensive and not so comfortable that they want to sit on it all day long. This couch is perfect and my friends love its sassyness!
Well my box was damaged when it arrived, but their was no damage to the love seat. My husband had it assemble in 10 minutes, he made it look super easy! Its very comfortable to sit on. We like it so much we are ordering gn he side chair to go with it.
Beautiful high quality classy
Way nicer, higher quality than I imagined.. Easy assembly, seller great, looks like a 1000 dl couch
I love the color and style. Sofa is very comfortable.
Beautiful love seat!
I absolutely loved it! It was for a stylist room at our upscale salon. Its absolutely perfect!
Classy and comfortable
I love this piece. It serves the exact purpose I wanted it for! Classy comfort! Great to make my office feel right at home for my guests.
Good Buy for the Price
This loveseat was the perfect fit for my living room. I had space under a window where I placed it. Looks well made. Added a couple of pillows and it flows with the rest of my decor. Cant beat the price.
Just for looks
Very cute! Not sturdy or comfortable.
Great chesterfield purchase!
Classy, sophisticated and elegant. Fits my living perfectly. Great couch to get cozy. Couches add that perfect touch for lounging. I bought 2. Great conversational pieces as well. Color is beige/silver grey tone but more beige.it is firm and comfortable. Strong. 2 people assembly=15mins. By yourself=30mins+. Great purchase!
Sassy Couch!
This is a cool looking couch for a room that my kids play in that is a very small living room. The kids have ruined 2 couches over years and I want to purchase something that looked unique and could be easily replaced. Also something that was inexpensive and not so comfortable that they want to sit on it all day long. This couch is perfect and my friends love its sassyness!
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