Great value. You are probably sceptical about quality because of the price. This is s well made bed and a rock bottom price. It took my 10 year old and me about 3 hours to put together. Great project to bond over. It is very sturdy once assembled.
Have a ratcheting Allen wrench (hex head) handy. It will make assembly a lot easier. That and a Phillips screwdriver is all we needed.
Ours came with some minor cosmetic damage. I wanted to get a replacement board but she couldnt wait to have her bed so we assembled as is.
Overall, she is very happy and loves her new bed.
This bed is sturdy! And it is beautiful too. It did require a couple more people to assemble it than what it recommends but our kids pitched in and it was easy for them to help. We did find that the hex key provided was too soft. But luckily I had read the other reviews and was prepared for that. Also, at one point in the assembly it requires two hex keys. Again, luckily had a good set ready.
We bought two of these for our 4 and 6 year old boys. They share a room, and we needed something to help free up more space. I put the beds together by myself. I assembled each on its side, then lifted them upright. If you dont have a good back and good upper body strength, dont try this! Get a second person to help out. I used a drill with a hex bit instead of the included allen wrench. I kept the torque set to 2 pounds to avoid stripping the screw heads. I used the included allen wrench to hand tighten as needed. Much faster way to put furniture together. The first bed took me about 2 hours to put together. The 2nd bed took me about 1 hour. If you dont use power tools and are not very handy, allow more time.
For the price, the quality is good. I like that it is basically an open frame below, allowing us to choose desks and furniture that fit our needs.
We bought the following items to finish this out:
5 foam mattress, super comfy, even for an adult!
Great value. Received our bed yesterday and put it together that evening, This was MUCH easier to put together than the last bunk beds I gotthe pieces were labeled with stickers (so helpful) the screws came in blister packs very easy to tell which were which. None of the pieces were scratched or broken. The bed itself seems very sturdy and is tall! Its wonderful in her very small room, gives her a little extra space! Very happy with our purchase.
Its my daughters bed, so she says its completely awesome and she loves it! The space under it for a desk and bookshelf (both of which we purchased separately) is great for her and leaves a lot of space in the room that she is in. For a standard 8-foot ceiling room, there is ample room for her to climb up and get into bed without whacking her head against the ceiling. Shes 8 years old.
From my perspective, it was easy to put together and is really sturdy. The option to put the ladder on either end of the bed is great so that we could put it anywhere we want without the ladder sticking out into the middle of the room.
Bringing it down 1 star, as I recommend putting extra 1x4 boards between the ones that come with the set for under the mattress. The space between them is just too wide. Even for kids, when climbing up and walking on their knees they kind of need to be careful where there is not that extra support between the boards. Its nothing major, just not enough support for growing kids who will use the bed for several years.
Great product. Great value.
Great value. You are probably sceptical about quality because of the price. This is s well made bed and a rock bottom price. It took my 10 year old and me about 3 hours to put together. Great project to bond over. It is very sturdy once assembled. Have a ratcheting Allen wrench (hex head) handy. It will make assembly a lot easier. That and a Phillips screwdriver is all we needed. Ours came with some minor cosmetic damage. I wanted to get a replacement board but she couldnt wait to have her bed so we assembled as is. Overall, she is very happy and loves her new bed.
This bed is sturdy! And it is beautiful too
This bed is sturdy! And it is beautiful too. It did require a couple more people to assemble it than what it recommends but our kids pitched in and it was easy for them to help. We did find that the hex key provided was too soft. But luckily I had read the other reviews and was prepared for that. Also, at one point in the assembly it requires two hex keys. Again, luckily had a good set ready.
Love the bed
Love the bed. Needs to be anchored to a wall stud for stability. But once that is done, the bed is awesome.
Great purchase!
Fantastic bed, daughter loves it, very sturdy and pleased with purchase! Great space saver. Had a friend put it together, thats not my thing
Very Nice Loft Bed
Very good quality. Easy directions and easy to put together.
If you dont have a good back and good upper body strength
We bought two of these for our 4 and 6 year old boys. They share a room, and we needed something to help free up more space. I put the beds together by myself. I assembled each on its side, then lifted them upright. If you dont have a good back and good upper body strength, dont try this! Get a second person to help out. I used a drill with a hex bit instead of the included allen wrench. I kept the torque set to 2 pounds to avoid stripping the screw heads. I used the included allen wrench to hand tighten as needed. Much faster way to put furniture together. The first bed took me about 2 hours to put together. The 2nd bed took me about 1 hour. If you dont use power tools and are not very handy, allow more time. For the price, the quality is good. I like that it is basically an open frame below, allowing us to choose desks and furniture that fit our needs. We bought the following items to finish this out: 5 foam mattress, super comfy, even for an adult!
This bed I got for my tween she loves it
This bed I got for my tween she loves it !! My husband put it together. It really gave her a lot of space and now she has her own workstation
good value
Great value. Received our bed yesterday and put it together that evening, This was MUCH easier to put together than the last bunk beds I gotthe pieces were labeled with stickers (so helpful) the screws came in blister packs very easy to tell which were which. None of the pieces were scratched or broken. The bed itself seems very sturdy and is tall! Its wonderful in her very small room, gives her a little extra space! Very happy with our purchase.
Sturdy and Spacious
Its my daughters bed, so she says its completely awesome and she loves it! The space under it for a desk and bookshelf (both of which we purchased separately) is great for her and leaves a lot of space in the room that she is in. For a standard 8-foot ceiling room, there is ample room for her to climb up and get into bed without whacking her head against the ceiling. Shes 8 years old. From my perspective, it was easy to put together and is really sturdy. The option to put the ladder on either end of the bed is great so that we could put it anywhere we want without the ladder sticking out into the middle of the room. UPDATE: Bringing it down 1 star, as I recommend putting extra 1x4 boards between the ones that come with the set for under the mattress. The space between them is just too wide. Even for kids, when climbing up and walking on their knees they kind of need to be careful where there is not that extra support between the boards. Its nothing major, just not enough support for growing kids who will use the bed for several years.
Happy customers
Very sturdy and great price! Would like to buy again in the future for other children. Easy to assemble but did take a few extra hands for somethings.
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