Wonderful product. I was worried it might be too tall for my daughters room with only having 8 foot ceilings, or that there wouldnt be enough space under it. She has room to sit up in the bed and her computer desk, chair, and monitors fit nicely under it. She does have to sit in the chair before go By under it as the clearance is only about 4ft 8 inches but its perfect once seated. Very sturdy.
Delivery was timely. Box was in decent shape. We began to assemble and the instructions were clear enough to be able to assemble it without a major headache. The holes/hardware aligned without issues. It came together within about a 2 hour timeframe. It definitely is easier with 2 people. I cant imagine having to do it alone. We assembled each side downstairs and then brought it upstairs and then assembled it fully together up there in my sons room. He loves it!! It is reasonable sturdy (actually more so than I expected) however it does make some noise as he climbs on. (He only weighs about 75 lbs). I have been up there and it held me fine (grown adult female 125lbs).
Very happy, My little girl loves it. Creates a lot of space in her small room, nice big desk. Went together perfect, but it is time consuming, especially by yourself, plan on about 4 hours. Also get a ratchet and an allen bit, will make things much easier than using the include allen wrench. very nice sturdy bed for price.
Fairly easy to assemble. Be sure to put all long pieces in before tightening screws. Also, screws heads may round out with a hex bit. Overall very sturdy and looks nice. Its hard to find a loft bed in this price range, I am very happy.
Bought 2 for my twins bedroom. They love the beds and it gives them so much more space to play. They are a simple yet sturdy design. I love that the ladders feel solid and are at an angle. The safety rails are a great height. There were a couple of dings and scratches (we bought white) but we figured they were going into a bedroom with boys so they wouldnt be prestine for long anyway. I wish there were extra wood slats at the foot and head of the mattress. Sometimes the corner of the mattress gets pushed down where the boys climb up. We are going to the hardware store to have some extra wood cut to better brace the edge of the mattresses. Knocking off 1 star for being chinsy on number of slats, otherwise they are awesome.
My daughter bought this for my granddaughter; my wife and I assembled it this weekend. I was impressed by the solid wood construction (no particle board!), by the sturdy design and high-quality hardware. All hardware was packaged separately and identified by number (referenced in the instructions); no loose parts floating in a cardboard box. No missing parts, although I would have appreciated ONE extra wooden dowel -- broke one when I tried to do a step out of order! The finish is nicely done, and held up under the usual handling of assembly.
BTW, granddaughter (age 11) LOVED it. And finally, a great value for the price.
The loft bed is a good purchase for the money! Only had one post that had a couple of dings. Not a problem. Nothing is prefect! My 10 year old daughter loves her bed! It was her early Christmas present that she asked for!
Sturdy, functional, overall nice piece of furniture
Wonderful product. I was worried it might be too tall for my daughters room with only having 8 foot ceilings, or that there wouldnt be enough space under it. She has room to sit up in the bed and her computer desk, chair, and monitors fit nicely under it. She does have to sit in the chair before go By under it as the clearance is only about 4ft 8 inches but its perfect once seated. Very sturdy.
Great item, just as described.
The item was delivered in a timely manor and is just as decribed. Unfortunately it doesnt fit the space we wanted it for and I will be returning it.
It is reasonable sturdy (actually more so than I expected) however it does
Delivery was timely. Box was in decent shape. We began to assemble and the instructions were clear enough to be able to assemble it without a major headache. The holes/hardware aligned without issues. It came together within about a 2 hour timeframe. It definitely is easier with 2 people. I cant imagine having to do it alone. We assembled each side downstairs and then brought it upstairs and then assembled it fully together up there in my sons room. He loves it!! It is reasonable sturdy (actually more so than I expected) however it does make some noise as he climbs on. (He only weighs about 75 lbs). I have been up there and it held me fine (grown adult female 125lbs).
Little wiggly at times, but it hasnt cashed on
Little wiggly at times, but it hasnt cashed on me yet after a year and a half. Okay for a cheap buy.
Very happy, My little girl loves it
Very happy, My little girl loves it. Creates a lot of space in her small room, nice big desk. Went together perfect, but it is time consuming, especially by yourself, plan on about 4 hours. Also get a ratchet and an allen bit, will make things much easier than using the include allen wrench. very nice sturdy bed for price.
Fairly easy to assemble
Fairly easy to assemble. Be sure to put all long pieces in before tightening screws. Also, screws heads may round out with a hex bit. Overall very sturdy and looks nice. Its hard to find a loft bed in this price range, I am very happy.
Fantastically simple design
Bought 2 for my twins bedroom. They love the beds and it gives them so much more space to play. They are a simple yet sturdy design. I love that the ladders feel solid and are at an angle. The safety rails are a great height. There were a couple of dings and scratches (we bought white) but we figured they were going into a bedroom with boys so they wouldnt be prestine for long anyway. I wish there were extra wood slats at the foot and head of the mattress. Sometimes the corner of the mattress gets pushed down where the boys climb up. We are going to the hardware store to have some extra wood cut to better brace the edge of the mattresses. Knocking off 1 star for being chinsy on number of slats, otherwise they are awesome.
A great value
My daughter bought this for my granddaughter; my wife and I assembled it this weekend. I was impressed by the solid wood construction (no particle board!), by the sturdy design and high-quality hardware. All hardware was packaged separately and identified by number (referenced in the instructions); no loose parts floating in a cardboard box. No missing parts, although I would have appreciated ONE extra wooden dowel -- broke one when I tried to do a step out of order! The finish is nicely done, and held up under the usual handling of assembly. BTW, granddaughter (age 11) LOVED it. And finally, a great value for the price.
The loft bed is a good purchase for the money
The loft bed is a good purchase for the money! Only had one post that had a couple of dings. Not a problem. Nothing is prefect! My 10 year old daughter loves her bed! It was her early Christmas present that she asked for!
I would not but this again
My wife bought this bed for our daughter. This bed didnt come with any directions and you cant find any info online.
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