Love these chairs. I was able to assemble them by myself and Im not that handy. They seem sturdy and comfortable and they really fit my front patio space nicely.
This chair is just alright. The rocking range is limited. I am used to full range - rocking back and forward. This chair sits in a leaned back position, so the rocking range is back to middle, stopping from really going forward. Its is very sturdy and comfortable enough for the price.
Great affordable chair! Easy assembly. Returning because we bought it for nursery and as it rocks the chair moves back because we have carpet. Eventually when it reaches the wall, have to get up and move i it back up, which wakes up baby.
The only downside is that the instructions are not the most best. The wood is very easy to crack, so do not over tighten. The cushion is a yellowy off white. The product description said white.
Comfortable rocker
No squeeze sounds, rocks easily. Comfortable cushion that washes easily. NIce finish.
Good quality for the money
Love these chairs. I was able to assemble them by myself and Im not that handy. They seem sturdy and comfortable and they really fit my front patio space nicely.
Rocking range
This chair is just alright. The rocking range is limited. I am used to full range - rocking back and forward. This chair sits in a leaned back position, so the rocking range is back to middle, stopping from really going forward. Its is very sturdy and comfortable enough for the price.
Super sellers
Perfect customer service. I had a small issue with my chair that was promptly addressed resolved. I would buy from them again 100%
Great Chair
Very easy to assemble, very spacious seat.
Great affordable but moves back on carpet
Great affordable chair! Easy assembly. Returning because we bought it for nursery and as it rocks the chair moves back because we have carpet. Eventually when it reaches the wall, have to get up and move i it back up, which wakes up baby.
Affordable quality
The only downside is that the instructions are not the most best. The wood is very easy to crack, so do not over tighten. The cushion is a yellowy off white. The product description said white.
Easy to assembly and came packaged so there was no damage and no missing parts whatsoever.
No instructions
Did not come with instructions
Good option for nursery
We use it as a nursery chair. Works great and it is cheaper than other options. 5 stars!
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