Easy to assemble, very sturdy and so cute! It was the perfect touch to our balcony. We added some pillows and outdoor solar Butterfly from BigLots! And it was truly PERFECT!! Great chair, and great quality!!
This egg chair was super easy to put together, fairly sturdy. But the cushion is too small for the overall chair, and the head cushion cannot be put in a comfortable spot. If you move it up it forces your head down, if you move it down your head just the bar. If the bar was not their, I would have given this chair a 5 star review. I have hit my head several times on the bar directly behind my head trying to find a comfy spot for my head.
I absolutely adore this chair. I have been looking for one for a while and noticing that this one was more budget friendly, I bought it. It came almost two weeks early. The assembly was easy. It took maybe 20 minutes at most. The cushion is comfortable. I could sit in it for hours. Absolutely love! If youve been thinking about getting a chair like this, do it!! You will not regret it. The comfort of it can and will literally bring me out of and funk. HIGHLY recommend.
Sturdy and nice
Easy to assemble. Very sturdy and strong. Nice and Comfortable.very good for the price. The shipment had a delay but its ok.
It is very uncomfortable, you have to bend your back forward to sit in it
Not possible to lean back. Always hunched forward
Comfy but missing pieces
It was missing some pieces.
There is no mounting hardware, you need another kit that has a chain or rope included. It is a sturdy chair but why not sell everything you need?
Sturdy and Stylish!!!
Easy to assemble, very sturdy and so cute! It was the perfect touch to our balcony. We added some pillows and outdoor solar Butterfly from BigLots! And it was truly PERFECT!! Great chair, and great quality!!
Great value!
Love that this collapses for easy storage!
Super cute but needs some handy work to hang up
Adorable and so comfy and relaxing! Spent about 25 on hardware to hang it up.
Mostly comfortable
This egg chair was super easy to put together, fairly sturdy. But the cushion is too small for the overall chair, and the head cushion cannot be put in a comfortable spot. If you move it up it forces your head down, if you move it down your head just the bar. If the bar was not their, I would have given this chair a 5 star review. I have hit my head several times on the bar directly behind my head trying to find a comfy spot for my head.
I absolutely adore this chair. I have been looking for one for a while and noticing that this one was more budget friendly, I bought it. It came almost two weeks early. The assembly was easy. It took maybe 20 minutes at most. The cushion is comfortable. I could sit in it for hours. Absolutely love! If youve been thinking about getting a chair like this, do it!! You will not regret it. The comfort of it can and will literally bring me out of and funk. HIGHLY recommend.
Nice egg chair!
This is a very nice egg chair, easy to assemble, and great customer service. The baby blue cushions are pretty.
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