This egg chair was super easy to put together, fairly sturdy. But the cushion is too small for the overall chair, and the head cushion cannot be put in a comfortable spot. If you move it up it forces your head down, if you move it down your head just the bar. If the bar was not their, I would have given this chair a 5 star review. I have hit my head several times on the bar directly behind my head trying to find a comfy spot for my head.
Mostly comfortable
This egg chair was super easy to put together, fairly sturdy. But the cushion is too small for the overall chair, and the head cushion cannot be put in a comfortable spot. If you move it up it forces your head down, if you move it down your head just the bar. If the bar was not their, I would have given this chair a 5 star review. I have hit my head several times on the bar directly behind my head trying to find a comfy spot for my head.