You get what you pay for, if you are going for a look this is fine but everyday use, I wouldn’t count on it. Easy to assemble would have been easier if they include instructions
My Mom wanted this. I thought cheap import product. Put it together and is very, very nice. Christmas gift for Mom and she loves it. She's happy, I'm happy.
Arrived on time and without any damages. Took about 20min to assemble. Very close to the actual prictures. Nice material but can tell it’s cheap and pretty firm/hard to sit on. Would not get for a comfortable recliner to use often.
So this arrived pretty quickly and was super easy to assemble. Everything was packaged well, all the parts were there plus extra, and it was all as described. A few steps and less than 10 minutes and I easily got this put together myself.
The back and seat feel a bit stiff but (other than that feels really good on my back lol) I'm pretty sure it'll soften up over time, but honestly I wouldn't mind if it didn't.
I'm 5'7 and a hefty 230 lbs. The height is perfect and the chair feels really sturdy. I don't feel like I need to be worried it'll break.
I'm super happy with my purchase. It's perfect for the reading nook I'm creating. Now I just need to prevent my cats from clawing it!
It looked just like the picture. It was easy to put together. My husband’s complaint was that it was to small for him to sit comfortably but it was supposed to be a “little” one size does not fit all recliner. I am very short at 5 foot tall. My feet don’t touch the floor in most of our chairs. I bought this recliner for me and it fits perfectly. My husband I’d 5 foot 11 inches. My caution would be
Product as described-looks great ! Fairly easy to assemble. It is a bit stiffer than I expected but still good product/price ! Might look at other colors !
It's a beautiful chair but was difficult to put together. Pieces didn't line up as they should so the back does not come forward as much as it should when in the upright position. Leaves a larger gap on one side than the other where the back wing meets the arm. Would not take a chance on ordering a second chair.
It’s hard to say how well it’s made, seems like it could only hold up for a little while. If you want a chair for a room you don’t use often this might be the one for you. It looks like it’s picture but I am not sure it’s a daily use kind of chair.
Coastal farmhouse
I get lots of compliments on my chair. It’s comfortable and pretty!
Get what you pay for
You get what you pay for, if you are going for a look this is fine but everyday use, I wouldn’t count on it. Easy to assemble would have been easier if they include instructions
What a surprise!
My Mom wanted this. I thought cheap import product. Put it together and is very, very nice. Christmas gift for Mom and she loves it. She's happy, I'm happy.
Super soft. Nice firm seat. Easy to assemble. Over a great chair for the price.
Arrived on time and without any damages. Took about 20min to assemble. Very close to the actual prictures. Nice material but can tell it’s cheap and pretty firm/hard to sit on. Would not get for a comfortable recliner to use often.
Not very sturdy
The chair wasn't even 5 days old and started falling apart the front leg and side panel have started to fall off
Love it - it's perfect!
So this arrived pretty quickly and was super easy to assemble. Everything was packaged well, all the parts were there plus extra, and it was all as described. A few steps and less than 10 minutes and I easily got this put together myself. The back and seat feel a bit stiff but (other than that feels really good on my back lol) I'm pretty sure it'll soften up over time, but honestly I wouldn't mind if it didn't. I'm 5'7 and a hefty 230 lbs. The height is perfect and the chair feels really sturdy. I don't feel like I need to be worried it'll break. I'm super happy with my purchase. It's perfect for the reading nook I'm creating. Now I just need to prevent my cats from clawing it!
Worth it.
It looked just like the picture. It was easy to put together. My husband’s complaint was that it was to small for him to sit comfortably but it was supposed to be a “little” one size does not fit all recliner. I am very short at 5 foot tall. My feet don’t touch the floor in most of our chairs. I bought this recliner for me and it fits perfectly. My husband I’d 5 foot 11 inches. My caution would be
Product as described-looks great ! Fairly easy to assemble. It is a bit stiffer than I expected but still good product/price ! Might look at other colors !
It's a beautiful chair but was difficult to put together
It's a beautiful chair but was difficult to put together. Pieces didn't line up as they should so the back does not come forward as much as it should when in the upright position. Leaves a larger gap on one side than the other where the back wing meets the arm. Would not take a chance on ordering a second chair.
Looks ok, but not sure I would buy it again
It’s hard to say how well it’s made, seems like it could only hold up for a little while. If you want a chair for a room you don’t use often this might be the one for you. It looks like it’s picture but I am not sure it’s a daily use kind of chair.
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