So this arrived pretty quickly and was super easy to assemble. Everything was packaged well, all the parts were there plus extra, and it was all as described. A few steps and less than 10 minutes and I easily got this put together myself.
The back and seat feel a bit stiff but (other than that feels really good on my back lol) I'm pretty sure it'll soften up over time, but honestly I wouldn't mind if it didn't.
I'm 5'7 and a hefty 230 lbs. The height is perfect and the chair feels really sturdy. I don't feel like I need to be worried it'll break.
I'm super happy with my purchase. It's perfect for the reading nook I'm creating. Now I just need to prevent my cats from clawing it!
Love it - it's perfect!
So this arrived pretty quickly and was super easy to assemble. Everything was packaged well, all the parts were there plus extra, and it was all as described. A few steps and less than 10 minutes and I easily got this put together myself. The back and seat feel a bit stiff but (other than that feels really good on my back lol) I'm pretty sure it'll soften up over time, but honestly I wouldn't mind if it didn't. I'm 5'7 and a hefty 230 lbs. The height is perfect and the chair feels really sturdy. I don't feel like I need to be worried it'll break. I'm super happy with my purchase. It's perfect for the reading nook I'm creating. Now I just need to prevent my cats from clawing it!