Ease of shipping, assembly, and product to price ratio. This is a good buy. It is sturdy as expected when having 4 tall very tall legs. I did opt to have it secured to the wall as my kids are not so graceful. Very happy with our purchase
Only one box was delivered. I scratched my head thinking wow, they fit all that bed in that small of a box? No. Only half the bed. Then trying to get customer service is almost impossible. Its going to take another 3 weeks to get the parts needed. What a waste of time and money.
Bought this refurb claiming it was missing tools and hardware, but it was also missing half the pieces which I had to make out of wood and paint and bracket, ended up with so much more work and headache and double the cost had I simply bought full price
Very happy with this purchase. It is a little wobbly but not as bad as I thought per some previous reviews. Assembly was not bad. Took about a 45 mins to an hour with myself and my husband. Highly recommend using a torque socket wrench as it made things move a lot quicker then using the little wrench that is provided.
Despite all of our work putting this thing together, we still took it all down to return it! Not very safe for anybody to be on top when the whole bed rocks back and forth. Just not very good quality.
It is What I Expected
Ease of shipping, assembly, and product to price ratio. This is a good buy. It is sturdy as expected when having 4 tall very tall legs. I did opt to have it secured to the wall as my kids are not so graceful. Very happy with our purchase
Good buy. Im satisfied
Came out perfect, recommend 2 people to build but other than that I have no issues
Easy to assemble, but not sturdy
It was super easy to assemble, but over time, the bars have all warped and bent. Maybe good for occasional use, but not everyday.
Missing half of the parts. Takes weeks to get replacements
Only one box was delivered. I scratched my head thinking wow, they fit all that bed in that small of a box? No. Only half the bed. Then trying to get customer service is almost impossible. Its going to take another 3 weeks to get the parts needed. What a waste of time and money.
Biggest mistake ever
Bought this refurb claiming it was missing tools and hardware, but it was also missing half the pieces which I had to make out of wood and paint and bracket, ended up with so much more work and headache and double the cost had I simply bought full price
Good product very durable
Perfect for my girls
Good product
Easy to assemble. I recommend using better lag bolts if securing to a wall.
Happy with purchase for 7 year old so .
Very happy with this purchase. It is a little wobbly but not as bad as I thought per some previous reviews. Assembly was not bad. Took about a 45 mins to an hour with myself and my husband. Highly recommend using a torque socket wrench as it made things move a lot quicker then using the little wrench that is provided.
Very very very unsturdy!
Despite all of our work putting this thing together, we still took it all down to return it! Not very safe for anybody to be on top when the whole bed rocks back and forth. Just not very good quality.
Bang for your buck
Not sturdy. Quite flimsy. Moves a lot. Good for small kid.
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