Took us about 2 hours to build, definitely a two person job. Good quality, seems very sturdy. Our queen bed fits nicely underneath. Satisfied with the purchase thus far.
Good design and construction but use loctite to insure that it stays tight.
If youre mechanically inclined then dont bother too much with the instructions (poor translation causes confusion) if youre not.... than just pay for the installation and give them loctite to use
Delivered very quickly! Didnt take too long to assemble, but did assembly with one other person. Got this for my 9-year-old daughter and she absolutely loves it. Her room feels so much bigger now and she has a desk underneath. This would be great for teenagers as well.
Ordered two of them for my daughters. We had them up and assembled quickly and they love the space under it for their private space in a shared room. Just added curtains
Just what I need for my kids
Very nice metal bed frame strong and just what I need
Brighton Classic Metal Twin over Loft Bunk Bed, Twin Size, Mint Green
Nice, bright and fresh color. Very sturdy.
Kids love it
This created more room for my kids to have space to move around it. We added a deck under the bed as well.
We like it
Took us about 2 hours to build, definitely a two person job. Good quality, seems very sturdy. Our queen bed fits nicely underneath. Satisfied with the purchase thus far.
Use loctite
Good design and construction but use loctite to insure that it stays tight. If youre mechanically inclined then dont bother too much with the instructions (poor translation causes confusion) if youre not.... than just pay for the installation and give them loctite to use
Perfect fit in room, son loves it
Wish bars all around were a bit thicker.
Well done!
So far so good! Nice bed, easy to put together and really solid. My daughter loves it!
Great for tweens
Took twice the time as the top bed frame was put on upside down.
Really nice
Delivered very quickly! Didnt take too long to assemble, but did assembly with one other person. Got this for my 9-year-old daughter and she absolutely loves it. Her room feels so much bigger now and she has a desk underneath. This would be great for teenagers as well.
Worth it!
Ordered two of them for my daughters. We had them up and assembled quickly and they love the space under it for their private space in a shared room. Just added curtains
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