It is a beautiful bed. It isnt too bad to assemble. The hardest part is knowing that even though the boxes are labeled as bed and headboard, all of the parts are actually mixed in. I am very good at assembly and a few pieces still didnt sit flush. But nothing that would make me bring it back. Very sturdy.
The bed literally broke in half. It is hard enough to assemble It is. No one should ever dish out that amount of money for a bed that will literally break in four nights. this is good!
Needed a bed to create a personal space for my granddaughter when she stays and this bed was exactly what I expected. It matches a previous owned desk nightstand perfectly. The assembly took some time but pretty straight forward if you read the included manual. Probably quicker if you have help. Seller was quick to reply to my question. Bed comes in 2 separate boxes and arrived on different days but all the parts were there and no damage. Perfect and Sturdy.
This bed came in two separate boxes, on two different days so i had to wait to put it together until both boxes were received. There are a lot of pieces and a ton of screws so it took me a while to just count everything and make sure all pieces were there. Thankfully all pieces came and nothing was damaged. It took me six hours to put the bed together by myself, although i was also taking care of a baby and a toddler at the same time, but either way it would have taken several hours. In the end though, the bed turned out great, its very sturdy, much better quality than i was expecting. My son loves his new big boy bed so Im happy with the purchase and would recommend it. Smart design.
Myself in a small room Worth the price !!!
Great value for the price.
It is a beautiful bed. It isnt too bad to assemble. The hardest part is knowing that even though the boxes are labeled as bed and headboard, all of the parts are actually mixed in. I am very good at assembly and a few pieces still didnt sit flush. But nothing that would make me bring it back. Very sturdy.
The bed literally broke in half. It is hard enough to assemble It is. No one should ever dish out that amount of money for a bed that will literally break in four nights. this is good!
Sturdy bed! met my expectations
Needed a bed to create a personal space for my granddaughter when she stays and this bed was exactly what I expected. It matches a previous owned desk nightstand perfectly. The assembly took some time but pretty straight forward if you read the included manual. Probably quicker if you have help. Seller was quick to reply to my question. Bed comes in 2 separate boxes and arrived on different days but all the parts were there and no damage. Perfect and Sturdy.
Great bed
Grandson loves the bed especially the drawers. Thanks!
Storage drawers
The storage drawers are my only dislike. Good for its value.
Great buy for the price
Great buy for the price! Very easy to assemble!
Good size
Missing screws Takes up less space.
Very nice
Bought them for my grandsons very stable.
Took forever to build but worth the money
This bed came in two separate boxes, on two different days so i had to wait to put it together until both boxes were received. There are a lot of pieces and a ton of screws so it took me a while to just count everything and make sure all pieces were there. Thankfully all pieces came and nothing was damaged. It took me six hours to put the bed together by myself, although i was also taking care of a baby and a toddler at the same time, but either way it would have taken several hours. In the end though, the bed turned out great, its very sturdy, much better quality than i was expecting. My son loves his new big boy bed so Im happy with the purchase and would recommend it. Smart design.
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