Needed a bed to create a personal space for my granddaughter when she stays and this bed was exactly what I expected. It matches a previous owned desk nightstand perfectly. The assembly took some time but pretty straight forward if you read the included manual. Probably quicker if you have help. Seller was quick to reply to my question. Bed comes in 2 separate boxes and arrived on different days but all the parts were there and no damage. Perfect and Sturdy.
Sturdy bed! met my expectations
Needed a bed to create a personal space for my granddaughter when she stays and this bed was exactly what I expected. It matches a previous owned desk nightstand perfectly. The assembly took some time but pretty straight forward if you read the included manual. Probably quicker if you have help. Seller was quick to reply to my question. Bed comes in 2 separate boxes and arrived on different days but all the parts were there and no damage. Perfect and Sturdy.