Super easy to assemble and it is very sturdy. I have bought two similar to this before but they were not nearly this sturdy. Great for a teenage boy. Very good value.
Despite the complaints of this bed being squeaky, they do recommend power tools to get the bolts on REALLY tight. To prevent squeaking, tighten only enough to put it together and realign as needed, then tighten everything tightly. I did mine by hand, and I am not having any issues with squeaking.
This frame is slightly bigger than the queen mattress. I bought a grip pad to avoid the worry of sliding about whilst I bought the mattress, preparing myself based on the reviews.
Instructions came torn because it was shoved to one end of the box, had a couple of holes but still somewhat ok to read. Assembly instructions were ok. I assembled it by myself. The package of screws should of also had the letters on it, too. But no, you have to refer to the area of what is contained in the box on the instruction sheet and then look at which one is which. Recommended that you have someone assemble it with you to make the alignment easier.
And finally, my big and only (truly) complaint
BUY ANYTHING FOR THE CORNERS or else you will be scrapping your leg and it will break skin, each and every time. Assembled Quickly.
It requires a solid base like a box spring under the mattress. I used a couple of sheets of OSB and cut them to fit. If you dont do this the mattress will sag and curl down.
The sharp corners stick way out. You will almost assuredly bump your knees or calves on it. It will cut you
It is about 4 longer than our mattress. It is very sturdy. It is quiet. For a heavier couple it is excellent. Our five year old did as much of the assembly as I did. The parts could have been labeled better, but even though some parts lacked labels, it was very easy to figure out. If I were engineering it, I would change some things, but for the price I gave, you cannot beat it. This works.
I love it, I only wish that it will allow me to attach a headboard.
Does not seem like there are holes vertically that will let me attach one. That is the only downside. Had I found out how to attach a headboard, I would give a five stars. Fair for the price.
Top edges at the foot of the bed frame are sharp and guaranteed to scratch your legs. Owned for about 2 weeks and my legs have been scratched several times just walking around the bed.Struggle.
Very sturdy and easy to assemb
The frame is a little longer than my mattress so my pillows fall into the gap. Very durable.
Sturdy bed frame
Super easy to assemble and it is very sturdy. I have bought two similar to this before but they were not nearly this sturdy. Great for a teenage boy. Very good value.
Sturdy, and you get free cuts on your legs
Despite the complaints of this bed being squeaky, they do recommend power tools to get the bolts on REALLY tight. To prevent squeaking, tighten only enough to put it together and realign as needed, then tighten everything tightly. I did mine by hand, and I am not having any issues with squeaking. This frame is slightly bigger than the queen mattress. I bought a grip pad to avoid the worry of sliding about whilst I bought the mattress, preparing myself based on the reviews. Instructions came torn because it was shoved to one end of the box, had a couple of holes but still somewhat ok to read. Assembly instructions were ok. I assembled it by myself. The package of screws should of also had the letters on it, too. But no, you have to refer to the area of what is contained in the box on the instruction sheet and then look at which one is which. Recommended that you have someone assemble it with you to make the alignment easier. And finally, my big and only (truly) complaint BUY ANYTHING FOR THE CORNERS or else you will be scrapping your leg and it will break skin, each and every time. Assembled Quickly.
Sturdy, Easy, Hold on
It requires a solid base like a box spring under the mattress. I used a couple of sheets of OSB and cut them to fit. If you dont do this the mattress will sag and curl down. The sharp corners stick way out. You will almost assuredly bump your knees or calves on it. It will cut you It is about 4 longer than our mattress. It is very sturdy. It is quiet. For a heavier couple it is excellent. Our five year old did as much of the assembly as I did. The parts could have been labeled better, but even though some parts lacked labels, it was very easy to figure out. If I were engineering it, I would change some things, but for the price I gave, you cannot beat it. This works.
Very sturdy, great product for the price.
Only complaint, 1 screw was stripped. Do the work.
Size and weight holding ability
Great Awesome!
Bed frame leg bends.
The leg Middle edge is bending outward and always needs readjusting. what I needed.
Very nice and easy to put together.
I love it, I only wish that it will allow me to attach a headboard. Does not seem like there are holes vertically that will let me attach one. That is the only downside. Had I found out how to attach a headboard, I would give a five stars. Fair for the price.
Edges are hardous!
Top edges at the foot of the bed frame are sharp and guaranteed to scratch your legs. Owned for about 2 weeks and my legs have been scratched several times just walking around the bed.Struggle.
Good value
Good value Perfect for my needs.
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