Beautiful, sturdy modern design We saw so many of these on Etsy for a lot of money and we were so happy when we found this one. We have had it 6 months and its been perfect! Super easy to assemble, sturdy and is holding up great!
Purchased for my 3 year old. Its a great bed for her, purchased a regular twin mattress and it fits fine. Took less then an hour to put together. Def not sturdy enough to be climbed on, although my kids test this often but so far its held up great.
Sturdy, Modern, Easy to Assemble! This bed is absolutely adorable. It was a little tough to put together but my daughter loves it! I lost a few small pieces of hardware after I had to disassemble it for new carpet but the company sent me replacement parts right away! Im very impressed with their customer service and couldnt be happier with the bed.
Beautiful Addition to My Home Instructions werent completely understandable, but Ive bought a lot of and buildable furniture in my day so figured it out. Looks fantastic!
Perfect for what we needed I love this bed frame. My toddler thinks it is very fun, he enjoys sleeping in it as well as just sitting and playing in it. It was very easy to assemble, it took maybe 45 minutes even with distractions in between. It feels very sturdy considering its just some wooden pieces screwed together. It doesnt feel cheap. Seems great for the amount of money.
Pretty and inexpensive Its really cute, and my son really likes it. Its not completely sturdy though, and Im thankful that my husband is an engineer so he could give it a final inspection. His plan is to add a few elbow joint supports at the top. Its definitely not something that can ever be climbed on, so if you have a climber Id use caution. It was a pain to install, but overall we really like it for the price. Beds like this are usually twice the price.
Great product
Beautiful, sturdy modern design We saw so many of these on Etsy for a lot of money and we were so happy when we found this one. We have had it 6 months and its been perfect! Super easy to assemble, sturdy and is holding up great!
Great bed!
Purchased for my 3 year old. Its a great bed for her, purchased a regular twin mattress and it fits fine. Took less then an hour to put together. Def not sturdy enough to be climbed on, although my kids test this often but so far its held up great.
Love it, great buy
Highly recommend! Fantastic company!
Sturdy, Modern, Easy to Assemble! This bed is absolutely adorable. It was a little tough to put together but my daughter loves it! I lost a few small pieces of hardware after I had to disassemble it for new carpet but the company sent me replacement parts right away! Im very impressed with their customer service and couldnt be happier with the bed.
Cute cute cute
Beautiful Addition to My Home Instructions werent completely understandable, but Ive bought a lot of and buildable furniture in my day so figured it out. Looks fantastic!
Takes some tools to assemble but easy.
Very comfortable, glad I purchased for my bedroom. Used this as a Toddler bed.
High quality product
Little tricky to put together Very good product ! High quality wood and easy assembly. The bed is firm and beautiful!
Sturdy cute bed!
So cute, great quality, perfect for a twin mattress and box spring :) smooth wood finish was nice!!
Very cool
Perfect for what we needed I love this bed frame. My toddler thinks it is very fun, he enjoys sleeping in it as well as just sitting and playing in it. It was very easy to assemble, it took maybe 45 minutes even with distractions in between. It feels very sturdy considering its just some wooden pieces screwed together. It doesnt feel cheap. Seems great for the amount of money.
Overall a good purchase, but needs added support
Pretty and inexpensive Its really cute, and my son really likes it. Its not completely sturdy though, and Im thankful that my husband is an engineer so he could give it a final inspection. His plan is to add a few elbow joint supports at the top. Its definitely not something that can ever be climbed on, so if you have a climber Id use caution. It was a pain to install, but overall we really like it for the price. Beds like this are usually twice the price.
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