They are sturdy, comfortable and the color is true to the online pictures. Assembly was easy, but there was 4 large bolts missing otherwise, I would have given them 5 stars. Love the chairs, definitely recommend!!
First of all, the box arrived and it looked like it had been in a battle and in retrospect its obvious that this particular shipment was a returned item and the hardware was missing. Following s instructions, dealt with the manufacturer. They were relatively quick to respond and agreed to send the appropriate hardware. Gave them the stool style number, the details from the installation instructions as to the missing bolts, screws, and washers. They sent replacements which were not the correct sizes. Nowhere in the parts list does it say there are adjustable feet for the legs, so those were not included. By this time wed gotten rid of the box and could not return the stools and just ordered the screws, bolts and feet for the two stools. Aligning the legs with the predrilled holes is not easy, nor is it easy to get the hex tool in to tighten due to the limited space. Highly recommend using a small ratchet to tighten the bolts. Once assembled the stools are fine.
Love easy to put together and very comfortable.
Great buy!
Love them so much I ordered more.
Cheap materials
The chairs are nice but within one week this piece was broken. If it cant even withstand someones foot resting on it how is this useful to me.
beautiful chairs
Beautiful classy bar stools for the price, very happy!
Bar stools
The stools are very sturdy and easy to put together!! I didnt get the ones I ordered but love them anyway!
Chairs look expensive and great quality!
They are sturdy, comfortable and the color is true to the online pictures. Assembly was easy, but there was 4 large bolts missing otherwise, I would have given them 5 stars. Love the chairs, definitely recommend!!
Rough assembly
First set came damaged. Second set screw wouldnt line up. Very hard to get into the area under the seat to screw in the screws.
Beautiful, comfortable, sturdy, and easy to assemble.
I was able to assemble these chairs quite easily. They are very sturdy and comfortable. They were perfect height for my island.
Missing parts.
First of all, the box arrived and it looked like it had been in a battle and in retrospect its obvious that this particular shipment was a returned item and the hardware was missing. Following s instructions, dealt with the manufacturer. They were relatively quick to respond and agreed to send the appropriate hardware. Gave them the stool style number, the details from the installation instructions as to the missing bolts, screws, and washers. They sent replacements which were not the correct sizes. Nowhere in the parts list does it say there are adjustable feet for the legs, so those were not included. By this time wed gotten rid of the box and could not return the stools and just ordered the screws, bolts and feet for the two stools. Aligning the legs with the predrilled holes is not easy, nor is it easy to get the hex tool in to tighten due to the limited space. Highly recommend using a small ratchet to tighten the bolts. Once assembled the stools are fine.
These bar stools are absolutely gorgeous!! They complement my kitchen island so well!! They are a great buy!!
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