Great product for the price. We didnt want to by a twin bed for our petite, clumsy toddler, so this is the perfect transition. She really loves her big girl bed.The crib mattress fits perfectly into it the frame. Our toddler has rolled out of it a few times in the middle of the night, so im glad that its only a foot from the ground. Now we just scoot her pottery barn anywhere chair to block her in the middle of the night.The color is a dark cherry, it can sometimes pass for dark brown depending on the lighting in the room. Expected.
Pretty easy to put together and feels very sturdy for the price I paid. The only annoying part was connecting the slats to the bed. My 2 year old loves it. Good deal and was easy to put together.
Great Big girl bed
Great product, easy assembly and loos great. Buy your own mattress or you can use the one from the crib. Save some money and buy this.
Great product for the price
Great product for the price. We didnt want to by a twin bed for our petite, clumsy toddler, so this is the perfect transition. She really loves her big girl bed.The crib mattress fits perfectly into it the frame. Our toddler has rolled out of it a few times in the middle of the night, so im glad that its only a foot from the ground. Now we just scoot her pottery barn anywhere chair to block her in the middle of the night.The color is a dark cherry, it can sometimes pass for dark brown depending on the lighting in the room. Expected.
Pretty easy to put together and feels very sturdy for
Pretty easy to put together and feels very sturdy for the price I paid. The only annoying part was connecting the slats to the bed. My 2 year old loves it. Good deal and was easy to put together.
Five Stars
Looks great. I love it space saver I am back to buy another one.
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