Cute and my Granddaughter loves it. All we had to do was put it together (Pay attention to instructions) and transfer crib mattress. Solid construction. Not so bad.
Pretty Solid quality. My daughter has been using this bed for sometime now and I dont really have any complaints. Great Value This item is good! Satisfied.
For what it is, a 60 made/in/China toddler bed, its good. I set it up by myself in an hour or so. It matches the rest of the nursery and my daughter is thrilled to have a big girl bed. Im taking bets on how long it takes for her to break a slat or two by jumping on it after I told her not to. Toddlers are so great.
Knocked off a star for craftsmanship, but I half/expected it. One of the side rails had an issue where the plate would only fit one direction, top/down, in order to line up with the side/leg/holes. So I had to flip the whole thing over when it was screwed together.meaning later on when putting on the guard rails, the bottom/side/rail/hole was actually now on the underside of the bed. So I had to drill a new hole in order for screw e to go in one of the guard rails. Hole drilling misalignment is common in cheap furniture and you get what you pay for. If you are good at improvising and/or comfortable with power drills (just in case), you will probably do fine. If you are not, then pay the premium for better quality.
Once I fixed that problem, though, it was all solid. I suspect if it wasnt on a carpeted floor it would rock a little, as it looks like the middle legs are floating slightly due to where the screw holes are placed (again, quality and alignment) but its okay on carpet so I wont sweat it.
Anyway, mostly no problems and a solid little bed for my crib/evictee. Looks nice and sturdy.
Really enjoyed seeing my son try out his new bed. The directions state not to use a drill although placing the screws in the wood were a little tight. The color of the bed was just as expected, we bought the cherry oak. The wood is sturdy and NOT a pressed wood type. We are hoping this bed last long enough so our next son can use it when he is a toddler! easy assemble, exactly as expected, space saver.
Great bed for the price. Weve had it about 5 months and it doesnt prevent my toddler from falling out of the bed like I thought it would. It would be 5 stars if the rails were taller and longer. Otherwise great little bed! Good quality.
Cute and my Granddaughter loves it. All we had
Cute and my Granddaughter loves it. All we had to do was put it together (Pay attention to instructions) and transfer crib mattress. Solid construction. Not so bad.
Five Stars
Very sturdy! Overall good.
Pretty Solid quality
Pretty Solid quality. My daughter has been using this bed for sometime now and I dont really have any complaints. Great Value This item is good! Satisfied.
Five Stars
super cute Well made and packaged.
Five Stars
Daughter loved her bed! Very well build quality and really easy to put together! Great price and somewhat durable.
Mostly good, had to drill my own hole. Solid when built.
For what it is, a 60 made/in/China toddler bed, its good. I set it up by myself in an hour or so. It matches the rest of the nursery and my daughter is thrilled to have a big girl bed. Im taking bets on how long it takes for her to break a slat or two by jumping on it after I told her not to. Toddlers are so great. Knocked off a star for craftsmanship, but I half/expected it. One of the side rails had an issue where the plate would only fit one direction, top/down, in order to line up with the side/leg/holes. So I had to flip the whole thing over when it was screwed together.meaning later on when putting on the guard rails, the bottom/side/rail/hole was actually now on the underside of the bed. So I had to drill a new hole in order for screw e to go in one of the guard rails. Hole drilling misalignment is common in cheap furniture and you get what you pay for. If you are good at improvising and/or comfortable with power drills (just in case), you will probably do fine. If you are not, then pay the premium for better quality. Once I fixed that problem, though, it was all solid. I suspect if it wasnt on a carpeted floor it would rock a little, as it looks like the middle legs are floating slightly due to where the screw holes are placed (again, quality and alignment) but its okay on carpet so I wont sweat it. Anyway, mostly no problems and a solid little bed for my crib/evictee. Looks nice and sturdy.
Pretty easy to put together as well
Simple bed but cute. Pretty easy to put together as well. thanks great product.
Great value for the money!
Really enjoyed seeing my son try out his new bed. The directions state not to use a drill although placing the screws in the wood were a little tight. The color of the bed was just as expected, we bought the cherry oak. The wood is sturdy and NOT a pressed wood type. We are hoping this bed last long enough so our next son can use it when he is a toddler! easy assemble, exactly as expected, space saver.
GREAT LOOKING BED. Looks solid, easy to assemble.
Great bed for the price
Great bed for the price. Weve had it about 5 months and it doesnt prevent my toddler from falling out of the bed like I thought it would. It would be 5 stars if the rails were taller and longer. Otherwise great little bed! Good quality.
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