Set up only takes about 10 minutes when taking your time. It is really comfortable. It is sturdy and has a well built feeling to it. I like that is reclines all the way back. I look forward to taking a snooze in it.
We bought two of these recliners for our fifth wheel. They fit in the space perfectly and are fairly comfortable. However, after only having them a few months, the seat frame broke in one of them. None of us are very large, so I was very disappointed. Upon contacting the seller, they responded immediately (on a weekend), asked for a picture, and immediately said they would send out a replacement. We received it quickly and it was the perfect match. All problems solved. I want to thank them for their courteousness and quick responses! And of course, for fixing the problem!
Perfect For My 58 160 Lbs Frame.
Set up only takes about 10 minutes when taking your time. It is really comfortable. It is sturdy and has a well built feeling to it. I like that is reclines all the way back. I look forward to taking a snooze in it.
Just okay
Very nice but sits too low and does not recline far enough
Great Customer Service
We bought two of these recliners for our fifth wheel. They fit in the space perfectly and are fairly comfortable. However, after only having them a few months, the seat frame broke in one of them. None of us are very large, so I was very disappointed. Upon contacting the seller, they responded immediately (on a weekend), asked for a picture, and immediately said they would send out a replacement. We received it quickly and it was the perfect match. All problems solved. I want to thank them for their courteousness and quick responses! And of course, for fixing the problem!
Nice chair for small spaces
The chair is great for small spaces. The arms could use a little more padding.
Its comfortable an doesnt take up too much space
Comfotable chair
Very well made and comfortable.
Good chair
Good chair for the price
Awesome chair!
Very easy to assemble
This chair is perfect for small spaces and easy to assemble.
Great Teenage Bedroom chair
Easy assembly. Teen really enjoys it. Seems to be holding up nicely.
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