We bought two of these recliners for our fifth wheel. They fit in the space perfectly and are fairly comfortable. However, after only having them a few months, the seat frame broke in one of them. None of us are very large, so I was very disappointed. Upon contacting the seller, they responded immediately (on a weekend), asked for a picture, and immediately said they would send out a replacement. We received it quickly and it was the perfect match. All problems solved. I want to thank them for their courteousness and quick responses! And of course, for fixing the problem!
Great Customer Service
We bought two of these recliners for our fifth wheel. They fit in the space perfectly and are fairly comfortable. However, after only having them a few months, the seat frame broke in one of them. None of us are very large, so I was very disappointed. Upon contacting the seller, they responded immediately (on a weekend), asked for a picture, and immediately said they would send out a replacement. We received it quickly and it was the perfect match. All problems solved. I want to thank them for their courteousness and quick responses! And of course, for fixing the problem!