My kids love them, they are sturdy and good quality. The price is great, I hope they last a while but even if they dont its a good buy. Pretty sturdy. Good size.
Im in love with these bunk beds. They are very sturdy and solid. They arrived in perfect condition took me about 3 hours to assemble. They are a little higher than I thought I had to have the ceiling fan removed but granddaughter wanted a chandelier so thats what went up. The gray color of these beds is really a pretty shade of gray. Really Worth it..
Just purchased 2 sets for our grandchildren to stay in when visiting. They LOVE them!! Added a string of LED lights to the bottom bunks to make them more inviting. Overall, they are a great addition to our cabin. Overall good.
I would fire engineer or hire one who knows how to do assembly instructions. Unfriendly like concept with missing pieces in explanation. I had to disassemble work done on 6th page (top bed sides) because they did not mention in instructions that one side is meant to be for special and goes on right side of ladders. Bed is not stable, it has some lose space in connection. My wife is scared that only 4 tips can hold top bed. They could make better connection and not to have gap in between pins and beds. Besides, its good finish and my kids love it. Myself, still have pain of tool they provided to assemble beds.
Great price for this, needed to find a solution for grandkids in our spare bedroom without breaking the bank. This solved the problem This item is good! Satisfied.
Very beautiful, I recommend it, its size is bigger than I thought, I loved it and my children loved it Quality products.
Great set. Easy build strong
Beautiful set. Two people to assamble. Very strong set. Great Buy Nice product.
Very easy to ensamble
My kids love them, they are sturdy and good quality. The price is great, I hope they last a while but even if they dont its a good buy. Pretty sturdy. Good size.
Ready for a sleepover
Im in love with these bunk beds. They are very sturdy and solid. They arrived in perfect condition took me about 3 hours to assemble. They are a little higher than I thought I had to have the ceiling fan removed but granddaughter wanted a chandelier so thats what went up. The gray color of these beds is really a pretty shade of gray. Really Worth it..
Great product
Detailed instructions make for easy, safe install. Not so bad.
These beds are great!
Just purchased 2 sets for our grandchildren to stay in when visiting. They LOVE them!! Added a string of LED lights to the bottom bunks to make them more inviting. Overall, they are a great addition to our cabin. Overall good.
Assembly is terrible bed is ok
I would fire engineer or hire one who knows how to do assembly instructions. Unfriendly like concept with missing pieces in explanation. I had to disassemble work done on 6th page (top bed sides) because they did not mention in instructions that one side is meant to be for special and goes on right side of ladders. Bed is not stable, it has some lose space in connection. My wife is scared that only 4 tips can hold top bed. They could make better connection and not to have gap in between pins and beds. Besides, its good finish and my kids love it. Myself, still have pain of tool they provided to assemble beds.
Well built, good instructions
Great price for this, needed to find a solution for grandkids in our spare bedroom without breaking the bank. This solved the problem This item is good! Satisfied.
Good for the money
Its been a good bunk bed for our younger children. Well made and packaged.
Nice bed
Its sturdy and nice. However kind of difficult to build. Great price and somewhat durable.
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