Got this to ship to my daughter. She loves it! Idk how hard it was to assemble but she said it was sturdy and perfect for her 8 and 5nyear olds. Very well made.
My girls love this bed it was pretty easy to put together and it looks great!! Love that the ladder is easily detachable for storage so my little one isnt climbing up it all day!! Worth the price !!!
Purchased two sets of the Navy bunk beds for our cabin. Was a little hesitant due to the inexpensive price, but these are really nice and sturdy. I will say they take some time to put together and having two people to lift the top bunk on the lower is a must, but if you take your time and follow the instructions, assembly was no big deal. Overall, 5 stars for quality and appearance. Great product. Very pleased!
I got this about a month ago. I assembled half of it myself but had my husband help me with the top bunk. It was a breeze to do it together. I do recommend getting a drill for the bed slats as it will make your life so much easier and faster. It is very sturdy and great quality. For the price I am very impressed! My twins who are 5 love it and it looks great! Solid and basic.
My son said he wanted a bunk beds, I thought like other things he would change his mind so I didnt want to pay a lot of money for him to change his mind. Turns out he loves having the bunk beds and assembly was easy and the quality is great. Smaller than I expected.
I bought these for my daughters room and overall love them but I cannot stand how the top bunk is placed. It seems like it doesnt fit all the way onto the bottom bunk screw and makes me nervous. Otherwise its a love bunk bed and overall great for the price. Nice well made.
My daughter says its the best gift I ever got her
Got this to ship to my daughter. She loves it! Idk how hard it was to assemble but she said it was sturdy and perfect for her 8 and 5nyear olds. Very well made.
Great value great beds!!
My girls love this bed it was pretty easy to put together and it looks great!! Love that the ladder is easily detachable for storage so my little one isnt climbing up it all day!! Worth the price !!!
Safety certified!
My toddlers absolutely love their new bed! I have a 2 and 3 year old, they look forward to bed time now! Super.
Awesome bunk bed set!
Purchased two sets of the Navy bunk beds for our cabin. Was a little hesitant due to the inexpensive price, but these are really nice and sturdy. I will say they take some time to put together and having two people to lift the top bunk on the lower is a must, but if you take your time and follow the instructions, assembly was no big deal. Overall, 5 stars for quality and appearance. Great product. Very pleased!
Boys love it.
Strong, looks great, even cats climb up ladder to top bunk. Ladder can hold me (180 lbs) when I have to go up to make bed. Interesting.
Great value. Low cost.
Great value for the money Poor construction.
This is a great buy. Wonderful quality, looks great and easy to assemble. Exactly what I wanted! Well made, easy to assemble and useful.
Fantastic bed for a great price
I got this about a month ago. I assembled half of it myself but had my husband help me with the top bunk. It was a breeze to do it together. I do recommend getting a drill for the bed slats as it will make your life so much easier and faster. It is very sturdy and great quality. For the price I am very impressed! My twins who are 5 love it and it looks great! Solid and basic.
Great deal
My son said he wanted a bunk beds, I thought like other things he would change his mind so I didnt want to pay a lot of money for him to change his mind. Turns out he loves having the bunk beds and assembly was easy and the quality is great. Smaller than I expected.
I bought these for my daughters room and overall love them but I cannot stand how the top bunk is placed. It seems like it doesnt fit all the way onto the bottom bunk screw and makes me nervous. Otherwise its a love bunk bed and overall great for the price. Nice well made.
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