I (26 y/o F) assembled this myself in about two hours. The instructions recommend two people to assemble and I agree - it was doable alone but tiring. Instructions were simple to understand. It looks very nice and the headboard is plenty visible with my 10 inch mattress. It feels very sturdy. I’m happy I chose this one!
Love this bed frame. It looks really good in the matte black. It was an easy assembly and is super sturdy. We have a latex rubber bed which is incredibly heavy and has to have a special frame. My husband built the above bed frame around the heavy duty one and no one is the wiser.
Love the design exactly what I was looking for.
There are 4 tabs to help hold the mattress from sliding off the side works great until a 80lb dog jumps on lol. Higher tabs would be nice but love it!
Good for the price. Did have some minor issues with things. It fitting perfectly together. My husband had to use a rubber mallet to get some parts to fit.
Very cute!
I (26 y/o F) assembled this myself in about two hours. The instructions recommend two people to assemble and I agree - it was doable alone but tiring. Instructions were simple to understand. It looks very nice and the headboard is plenty visible with my 10 inch mattress. It feels very sturdy. I’m happy I chose this one!
Love this bed frame. It looks really good in the matte black. It was an easy assembly and is super sturdy. We have a latex rubber bed which is incredibly heavy and has to have a special frame. My husband built the above bed frame around the heavy duty one and no one is the wiser.
Great bedframe!
I love the height of it. I can still store my storage bins underneath, yet my dog can still jump up! It's a cute design and very sturdy!
Bed arrived in 2 days
Clearly marked pieces that fit together. Took approximately 30 minutes to build. Nice sold bed frame.
It was easy to assemble, and looked great. It's pretty sturdy, good for the price.
Exactly what I wanted.
Love the design exactly what I was looking for. There are 4 tabs to help hold the mattress from sliding off the side works great until a 80lb dog jumps on lol. Higher tabs would be nice but love it!
Want storage space?
This bed frame sits 12" from the floor leaving plenty of room for under bed storage. It very sturdy and has plenty of support for queen size mattress.
Order the brown
The brown looks way better in person than in the picture it’s almost antiqued
Good for the price.
Good for the price. Did have some minor issues with things. It fitting perfectly together. My husband had to use a rubber mallet to get some parts to fit.
Metal Bedframe with Headboard
This is a nice bedframe for the price. It is sturdy and the color looks exactly like the photograph. I am pleased with it.
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