More parts than expected, but it was pretty easy to assemble. Really sturdy and non-squeaky, except for one really worrying piece. It's the left-side center leg. It keeps folding in like a hinge and cutting up the hardwood floor. The bed didn't fall or anything but obviously this is an issue.
It's a nice sturdy bed and I love it!
BUT... I have fibromyalgia and arthritis, and it was so so hard for me to put together. Lots of small parts, hard to reach areas and allen wrenches that were too big for some places.
Some of the pieces weren't identified with letters, and missing 2 large screws.
But I got it together. I should have asked for help. As I said, if you have any of these health problems, don't attempt on your own.
Lovely bed! Great value!
Very sturdy bed for the money, although it looks a little overwhelming when you open the box. I put everything together before I tightened it up and it was very nice when finished.
Would Give it 5, but...
More parts than expected, but it was pretty easy to assemble. Really sturdy and non-squeaky, except for one really worrying piece. It's the left-side center leg. It keeps folding in like a hinge and cutting up the hardwood floor. The bed didn't fall or anything but obviously this is an issue.
Not very sturdy
This bed is cute and has been worth the money for a quick fix but it is definitely not as sturdy as I would have hoped.
Cute but not built to last
I loved this bed frame! But after a little over a year of use one of the support legs broke off and we can no longer use it.
Fit together well -all the holes lined up!!
Great quality! The bed is very sturdy, the color is uniform ,the welding is well done and all of the holes lineup with no issues to assemble
So far I love it
So far so good. Pretty easy assembly, holding up well for the sturdiness.
Sturdiness and well made.
Good value for the money and easy enough to assemble.
If you have arthritis, get help!!
It's a nice sturdy bed and I love it! BUT... I have fibromyalgia and arthritis, and it was so so hard for me to put together. Lots of small parts, hard to reach areas and allen wrenches that were too big for some places. Some of the pieces weren't identified with letters, and missing 2 large screws. But I got it together. I should have asked for help. As I said, if you have any of these health problems, don't attempt on your own. Lovely bed! Great value!
Glad I got this one
The frame was fine but was damaged from shipping and needed it replaced. Was handled and replaced in days
Great buy. Very sturdy
This bed was easy to put together, as long as you follow the directions. Even for just one person. It looks great in my new bedroom.
It has a lot of parts but they go together well.
Very sturdy bed for the money, although it looks a little overwhelming when you open the box. I put everything together before I tightened it up and it was very nice when finished.
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