Picture/illustrated instructions can become complex for an item that has so many pieces and screws. But overall, its better and faster if you make this a two/person job when putting it together. Sturdiness seems good when on the bottom bunk. I have not used the top bunk yet. but Im a little nervous to use the top bunk. Overall,Im glad that I purchased it. Its really good for small kids. cute.
The one major problem I have is that some of the wooden slats were too short to fit the bed. I had to find them a hardware store to replace them A struggle.
We bought this for our toddler to transition from her crib and she absolutely loves it. Everything was described accurately. It takes two people to assemble but the directions were very straightforward. Be careful not to screw the screws in too tightly. We did on one side and it caused a very small crack, but it is not visible and didnt jeopardize the sturdiness of the bed. The ladder width and rail height is perfect; Im not scared shes going to fall out. All in all I would highly recommend this bed! Amazing.
Bought for grandkids, they havent used it yet, but I have no concerns that it will hold them. Seems very sturdy. I put it together, for the most part, by myself, a 57 yr old woman. Had to have my husband help a couple of times. It looks great! Like!
Good value.
Heavy box because the bed is solid wood. Easy to assemble. Sturdy. My granddaughters love it. Amazing quality.
Great bed for decent price
Easy to assemble and kids love the bed! Wow!! This was a great buy!!
Nice and sturdy Amazing!
A few flaws in wood
a few flaws in the wood. More sturdy than expected.
Beautiful bed but time consuming instructions
Picture/illustrated instructions can become complex for an item that has so many pieces and screws. But overall, its better and faster if you make this a two/person job when putting it together. Sturdiness seems good when on the bottom bunk. I have not used the top bunk yet. but Im a little nervous to use the top bunk. Overall,Im glad that I purchased it. Its really good for small kids. cute.
Great purchase
Great bed, I used them separated as two twin beds. Just needs extra screws to screw the bed slats down or mattress will not stay AWESOME!!
Couldve been better
The one major problem I have is that some of the wooden slats were too short to fit the bed. I had to find them a hardware store to replace them A struggle.
Girls love it.
It is sturdy and realy easy to asemble it. My girls have been sleeping on it for two days. They love it. Yes, Its great. loves it.
The perfect kids bed!
We bought this for our toddler to transition from her crib and she absolutely loves it. Everything was described accurately. It takes two people to assemble but the directions were very straightforward. Be careful not to screw the screws in too tightly. We did on one side and it caused a very small crack, but it is not visible and didnt jeopardize the sturdiness of the bed. The ladder width and rail height is perfect; Im not scared shes going to fall out. All in all I would highly recommend this bed! Amazing.
Great Bunk!
Bought for grandkids, they havent used it yet, but I have no concerns that it will hold them. Seems very sturdy. I put it together, for the most part, by myself, a 57 yr old woman. Had to have my husband help a couple of times. It looks great! Like!
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