We bought this for our toddler to transition from her crib and she absolutely loves it. Everything was described accurately. It takes two people to assemble but the directions were very straightforward. Be careful not to screw the screws in too tightly. We did on one side and it caused a very small crack, but it is not visible and didnt jeopardize the sturdiness of the bed. The ladder width and rail height is perfect; Im not scared shes going to fall out. All in all I would highly recommend this bed! Amazing.
The perfect kids bed!
We bought this for our toddler to transition from her crib and she absolutely loves it. Everything was described accurately. It takes two people to assemble but the directions were very straightforward. Be careful not to screw the screws in too tightly. We did on one side and it caused a very small crack, but it is not visible and didnt jeopardize the sturdiness of the bed. The ladder width and rail height is perfect; Im not scared shes going to fall out. All in all I would highly recommend this bed! Amazing.